Sociological Imagination

Sociological imagination refers to the ability to think outside of the familiar daily routines to look at things from a new and fresh angle.  It refers to being aware of the relationship between the broader society’s perspective and one’s own experience. It is the ability to view things socially and the way in which they influence each other.  For one to have a sociological imagination, they must be able to pull themselves away from the situation that they are in and have their thoughts from a different point of view (Mills). This way of imagination is very crucial to a person’s development of a sociological perspective on the way the world operates.

Many factors play into a decision that one makes. For instance, the decision to join college was influenced by several factors. From the society that I come from, there have been several criminal activities that are perpetrated by the youth. The main reason that this group participates in illegal activities is that of lack of enough education and hence cannot access employment opportunities. Therefore in a bid to be different from this group I decided to join college.

Another major sociological factor that influenced my decision is the issues surrounding my family. My parents have always held high hopes on me being successful and finishing school. All my siblings have failed to join college. Being the only person yet to go to college from the family, there was a feeling that my parents and immediate family had high hopes of me achieving my college diploma. This, therefore, played as a significant influence on my decision to go to college and live up to the family’s expectations.


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