Social Issues: Peer Pressure

Social Issues: Peer Pressure

Social issues are situations that involve many people within a society and harm their lives. There are those types of problems that affect a particular group in society, and there are those problems that impact society as a whole. This paper will look to address a situation that affects members of the community, what are the consequences and different solutions to these problems.

Types of Social Issues

As noted social issues are any situations that are of concern to society. Some of them include;

  • Domestic and gender violence
  • Human trafficking
  • Educational Equality
  • Infrastructure
  • Healthcare
  • Law enforcement
  • Peer pressure

Peer Pressure

The term peer is used to describe a group of individuals around the same age. These people are likely to hang out together and engage in different activities. Among the youths and teenagers, one issue that affects them is peer influence. In life, it is essential to make friends. However, it is also crucial that one fits in with his or her chosen group. This usually involves engaging in a particular activity that they would not do on a normal day and leaves the individuals with a lot of regrets, embarrassment, shame, and guilt. However, what is peer pressure, what are the various forms of this social issue, what are the consequences, and how can it be tackled as a societal problem.

It is, however, good to note that peer pressure is not always negative. The determining factor involves the group of people one wants or chooses to have and the type of activities they engage in. For instance, one can have a group of allies who like studying or going to church. Eventually, he or she is also influenced to engage in these events as well. Gradually, as they adapt, they realize that what they are doing is right and start enjoying it. Nonetheless, peer pressure has been associated with negative activities which at times have dire consequences to the participants and the rest of society. Some of these activities include drug abuse, engaging in sex, going out at night without permission, and wearing indecently.

Drug Abuse

This has been described as the most common form of peer pressure activity that exists. Drug abuse involves the intake of harmful substances with the aim of pleasuring themselves. They include alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. These drugs have caused harm to millions of people over the years, and despite this, teenagers continue to associate themselves with these behaviors. However, how does drug abuse as a peer influence affect the rest of society?

Drug abuse leads to mental disorders among the youth. First, this is a negative effect on their health. Family members and friends have to use a lot of resources in trying to rehabilitate the individual. These finances would better be used for development purposes. Apart from the resources used by family and friends, the healthcare system is also strained. The government uses over $1.8 billion annually in drug abuse costs like rehabilitation. Secondly, drug abuse leads to the loss of bright and young minds that can bring about development to society. Without enough people to drive innovation, the rate of growth in a society’s economy will be slow and insufficient. Another effect of drug abuse is infertility among the youth. This lowers the chances of them reproducing and a reduced population as the final effect on society.


Another effect of peer pressure is engaging in robberies. Without sufficient capital to use in their activities like drug purchasing, youths and teenagers begin to steal. At times, they use a lot of violence which leads to them harming other members of society. Violent attacks from robbery have to drive to many fatalities and at times death. This now turns from a robbery to murder case.

Additionally, since violence was involved in stealing, it qualifies for life or death sentences. Apart from the loss of life and individuals time spent in jail, robberies account for many losses in the country. For instance, in 2017, more than $438 million worth of property was lost during these robberies. This amount of money and property can be used in the development of various projects which will benefit society.

Engaging in sexual activities

Sexual activity among the youth is very prevalent. Therefore, a teenager who does not participate in sex is viewed as an outcast among their peers. This pressures them also to have intercourse to fit in. However, dangerous diseases acquired through sex like HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections have been discovered. The fatality rates from these illnesses have continued to increase and claimed many lives and resources. Nonetheless, teenagers still engage in intercourse to please their friends despite knowing the risks that exist.


Peer pressure brings about negative and positive effects on society. However, the more adverse effects are felt on a day to day basis. It is therefore important to find solutions to negative peer pressure and make society a better place to live in.

First, awareness should be created on the dangerous effects of negative peer pressure. Being influenced to steal or engage in drug abuse has hazardous effects. Thus, guidance programs should be designed to inform the youths on these dangers and the impact they have on their loved ones.

Studies in school should be expanded to incorporate the discussion of such topics. Children should be advised from a young age about how negative peer pressure can affect them and what risks they pose. Real life examples of death and psychological impairment should be discussed to show the extremeness of the situation.

Lastly, parents should be close to their children from a tender age and advice them on the need to choose good friends. With proper guidance from parents, the probability of selecting better friends is high.


A social issue is any situation that affects society negatively. Some problems affect a particular group in the community while another affects it as a whole. One social issue that exists is peer pressure. Teenage influence can be positive or negative. However, the prevalence of the situation being adverse is higher.

Peer pressure takes place as individuals try to fit in within a certain set of friends. This may lead them to engage in activities like drug abuse, robbery, and sexual intercourse. These events have negative effects on the society as they lead to loss of bright minds through death and prison sentences and the loss of useful resources that can be used for development. It is essential to make children aware of the effects caused by peer pressure. Education should expand to incorporate the discussion of these effects, and real-life situations used to educate them. Lastly, parents should also take part in how their children choose friends and the activities they do together.


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