
When taking care of the elderly, the most important thing is their recovery and their well being. This is because they are constantly having problems with their conditions. The best way to ensure that hey recover o their normal well being is to ensure that they are involved in social activities. The activities help them to relax and recover easily.

This study will examine the roles of social activities and engagement in other social groups and how crucial they are to recovery processes of mental illnesses in adult populations. Specifically, the study of the examining whether being involved in these activities is beneficial and if the benefits go beyond the social networks and the support. It will also show whether these activities; through the interaction can significantly improve the relationship between the patients. The relevance of this study deepens on what the researcher is looking for and will contribute massively to the clinical practice and recovery of the elder with mental problems. The past literature shows the evolution of the clinical practices with the involvement and incorporation of social activities results in better recoveries to minimize needs for support. Encouragement of activities and engaging in behavioral goals can strategically help in clinical treatment. The research question asked is whether using the social activities in therapy at the home setting can contribute positively to the wellbeing in the adult population.


Keywords: social activities, adult population, mental healthcare, wellbeing, social engagement



There are several benefits to getting involved in social activities. They allow the participants to relax and stay free from depression (Theurer, Mortenson, Stone, Suto, and Timonen, and Rozanova, 2015, 201 and Skingley, Martin, and Clift, 2016, 1302). Some of the most common activities that people get involved in have been seen to help to speed the recovery and enhance support (Gerling, Mandryk, and Linehan, 2015, 1582). Different activities and behavioral goals are achieved at clinical and strategic treatments (Stoddart, and Evans, 2017, 27). Different strategies can be used (Goffman, 2017). The incorporation of these activities reduces the time of hospital stay by the patients.


Literature review

Research about the role that social support services play on the recovery of adults from severe mental illnesses has been limited. There are several positive impacts f the activities that are provided in the home setting of the elderly individuals (Fairweather, Sanders, Cressler, and Maynard, 2017, 9 and Brett, Traynor, and Stapley, 2016, 104). Social activities relieve stress as they allow the elderly to relax from the pressure they are going through ((Stoddart, and Evans, 2017, 27).  In recovery, they have the psychological impact  that improved and promotes faster recovery. Several theories explain the role of social activities in recovery. The first is the stress theory that states that stress has the same impact on drug abuse. Social activities reduce stress and therefore leads to a better lifestyle and improve recovery. The other is the social support theory that allows the patients to feel and have a sense of belonging. This is a massive point in the recovery (Gerling, Mandryk, and Linehan, 2015, 1573) and (Goffman, 2017 Fairweather et al., 2017, p. 5 and Frändin et al., 2016, p.571). Just like all the other mental health care problems, the problem of dealing with old patients who falls under the burden of the primary caregivers is always there (Finlay, Franke, McKay, and Sims-Gould, 2015, 97 and Young, Camic, and Tischler, 2016, 337). They can form important relationships (Osman, Tischler, and Schneider, 2016, 1328). This is also according to (Bauman, Merom, Bull, Buchner, and Fiatarone Singh, 2016, S268).



Theoretical framework

This study will explore the positive impacts of social activities provided in the home settings to elderly individuals and the role that they play in recovery. Some theories explain the role of social activities in recovery. The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity taking place medical practice is high and negatively affect people suffering from depression this study will show the advantages that the older patients get from participating in social activities in their wellbeing. The research question is; do the social activities which are provided in care home settings have a positive impact on mental and wellbeing of the older adults? Answering this question from a theoretical perspective is the best idea from a theoretical perspective.



Data collection methods and analysis

Data collection procedures are used in this proposal to examine whether the social activities provided in home settings have a positive impact on mental and well-being the older adults. This research proposal for a quantitative approach to be taken where participants are required to complete questionnaires.  The questionnaires are useful in this research as they will show the experiences with the social support and whether they have been helped by the social support or not. Through the interview questionnaires, the researcher will get the ideas from the affected people directly.The recovery assessment scale will alsobe used to show the progress of these patients and whether these activities help them to recover better (Young, Camic, and Tischler, 2016, 337). Recovery scale goes up to 5 where the scores are tailored to review the overall progress (Leary, and Baumeister, 2017, 57). This is the best quality approach for analysis as it gives the true reflection of the recovery and the well being of the patients (de Souto Barreto et al., 2016, 381). This will also allow for an appropriate generalization of the ideas. Through examining these activities, this study will examine how the social aspect of life, can influence someone’s mental functions. The qualitative approach we allowed for statistical analysis with the strengths of data used enabling the high number of questionnaires to be used in analyzing the data.


Data sample

This data uses a purposive sampling methodology. Purposive sampling refers to the none probability sampling method where the characteristics of the population are based on the main objective of the study. The data questionnaires will be distributed through email so that they are filled with the patient caregivers to fill the filling in reports about the progress as well as those who are actively participating in the study (Woods et al., 2018). The number of people should reflect the total population. Because this is a small scale research project, the total population will be less than one hundred. There will be one forty-five females and fifty-five males in the research as the population sample. The rating scale will also contribute to this according to (Ballard et al., 2015, 252 and Smit et al., 2016, 100).



Data validity refers to the ability to verify findings and how they apply to the real world (Liu et al., 2016, 44). The work and the data provided have to be valid especially based on the expectations for the participants but not to the expectations of the researcher (Brooker et al., 2016, 709). Also, the researcher should not put his or her own bias in the data to suit the findings that they had anticipated. This also applies to the originality (Townsend, and Morgan, 2017, 2). To ensure that the research is valid, the researcher will use triangulation by tracing the measurements of the network triangles to determine the relevant positions.


Reliability refers to the stability of the academic concept and whether it is accurate enough to be used in other academic work. The data that have been given from the participants have to be reliable and accurate so that they are successfully applied in other areas (Dewing, and Dijk, 2016, 106).The reliability can be known through reviewing the research that has been done; the peer review will guarantee reliability. Apart from this, the participant should not be coerced to give their details. Safety issues of another ethical consideration by the researcher especially because these are patients. A participant should not be in any form of danger when they’re participating in the research. It translates to the trust that can be on the work.


Ethical Principles

When conducting academic research, it is important to consider ethical codes that are they doing the investigation such that the data is valid and can be justified. These ethics are important including informed consent is the first ethical consideration that a researcher has to have. Additionally, representing them with information such as a questionnaire. Furthermore, the participants have to be given confirmation forms where they will show that they are more than 18 years of age before proceeding with the survey. Confidentiality and privacy are essential as an ethical principle they ensure that the participants are protected. Under no circumstance should the information given by the participants exposed to anyone else. This can be achieved through the use of pseudonyms and not using the real names of the participants. As well, the data provided should not be shared with anyone who is not supposed to have the information (Fleming et al., 2016, 663).


Data collection and analysis

The interview questionnaire will be used with qualitative data obtained in the booklets. This is because the data will be based on the opinions and there are no statistical data or numeric data. Numeric data requires some other tools for analysis that are important. After distributing the questionnaires to the participants, the researcher will have the ability to analyze both open and closed end and questionnaires and show the progress of the participants based on the activities that they have participated in. The reason for having this approach is because the researcher will be showing the extent of the progress and whether the activities have had massive progress with the mental and wellbeing of the older adults (Parnell et al., 2015, 220). To compare the development, those who had not been participating in social activities will also have their tests were taken and the questionnaires filled in this manner. The data analysis will openly take place considering all the ideas available. They should not participate in something that they do not understand the use of recovery scale will give the data of the level of recoveries that have been made. These data will allow for the best conclusions.


Resource, implications, and cost

The resources that will be used in this study are papers, money for travel and the booklets that will be used to collect data. The main implications in this research are academic excellence and an improvement in the subject of social support to the elderly individuals. The cost is likely to be abut seven hundred dollars for the entire research.  The researcher predicts a number that ranges between forty to fifty participants.  This will take most of the time as the researcher will have to set aside one-week analyzing data.


Limitations and weaknesses

This research is likely to face some of the challenges that result to the different weaknesses. One possible limitation is the uncertainty of the number that will accept to participate in the research. There is no guarantee that the proposal of the researcher will be accepted by them. Brooker et al. (2016) also conducted similar research that showed the weakness and limitation of the lack of data accuracy. Even if the researcher sends the consent forms to the participants, it is a guarantee that the number predict will be able to participate fully. The participants may not answer all the questions that have been raised. according to de Souto Barreto et al. (2016), every research is likely to have a weakness and researcher have to solve the weaknesses. As a result, the questions given and answered may not fully explain all the needed questions is a limitation.


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