SES427 Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Psychological Skills Challenge

SES427 Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Psychological Skills Challenge


Decide on a challenge (examples provided in class and in Canvas).

Create a plan (using credible references/resources).

Implement your plan (note: minimum two times).

Complete the report for the assignment by filling in the information requested below (note: can use bullet points in some questions below; regardless make sure high quality of writing).


Question 1:What did you choose to do for the challenge? Why?


Question 2:What topic/concept(s) are you trying to optimize with your challenge (ex: mindset, mental toughness, confidence, self-talk, imagery)? Briefly explain. Provide definitions of terms


Question 3:Describe how you implemented the challenge (how did you get started, what did you do each day, how many days, etc.).


Question 4:Reflection 1. What was your experience like throughout the challenge?


Question 5: Reflection 2. What impact did the strategy have?


Question 6: Reflection 3.What did you learn about yourself? For example: nervous, not prepared, what you would have done different


Question 7: Reflection 4. What did you learn about the strategy and topic/concept(s) your challenge was based on?


References: List any references/resources used to create your challenge.



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