Self Affirmation

Self Affirmation

The first quality from my affirmation is motivation.  I am always motivated to realize my objective, and I fully understand that success is not a result of good luck but rather a result of handwork. A specific example when I demonstrated that quality was when I decided to vie for electoral position to be a student’s representative in the college. Despite my fear of public speaking and intimidation from my peers, I felt motivated that I possessed essential leadership skills that would be of help to fellow students. At the end of the elections, I was happy that my motivation paid off as I got a resounding victory.

The other quality from my affirmation is that I am a disciplined person.  Self-discipline has been an integral part of my life where I can stick to my decisions and follow them through without changing my mind. A specific life experience when I demonstrated this quality was when I declined to engage in drug and substance abuse. While in high school, I had several friends who were drug addicts.  Despite their attempts to get me into their dealings, I stood firm, and I left high school without having abused a single drug. All through my life, I have ensured that my stand is never influenced by anyone.

Another vital quality from my affirmation is being responsible. Being responsible is critical to the success I have realized in my academic life. In my early years, I was never worried by my grades as long as I passed the course. However, as time passed by, I became more responsible, and I understood the importance of getting goods. I have since become a good student who attends all classes, always attentive, answer questions and timely delivery of assignments.

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