Schoolgirls for Sale in Japan Documentary

Schoolgirls for Sale in Japan Documentary

In this documentary segment, it is interesting how young school girls are engaging in dancing and having chats with older men(Glazer). Most of them also have no alternative apart from doing this kind of job because they lack support from friends and families. It is a relief though for those who get an opportunity to be rescued from this kind of job. Although they are underage, they are used by companies in marketing their products and entertainment.

The schoolgirl culture has an influence culture on Japanese culture because there are those who are not happy with the recruitment of young girls in doing jobs of this nature(Glazer). Those who do this kind of job are accused of selling themselves, so their friends and families do not want to be associated with them. Their gender bias since it is only girls who are recruited for such jobs. No man is contracted to work on these entertainment jobs as well as in advertising and selling products in Japanese stores. Older men pay to get services from the school girls, so there is evidence of the superiority complex in Japan.

The values of the schoolgirls signed into these jobs are threatened. These youths believe in working and becoming famous which differs from the culture of the older generation who believe that values should be upheld(Glazer). The way adolescents view marriage is different is also different from the way the older generation sees it. The culture embraced by these girls is a replacement of geishas which was a traditional form of entertainment in Japan whereby the youths were trained in music, dancing, and art. The true Geishas were admired by others, and in this documentary, fans had their favorite performer.

Glazer, Andrew. “Schoolgirls for Sale in Japan.” YouTube, 2015, Accessed 12 Feb 2019.

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