Results section

Results section

Question 1

The main reason why individuals who transit from college lose motivation and have a strong feeling of being under stress is that the students have a fear of being in a new environment.

Question 2

The research study utilized descriptive statistics. In this case, a sample was obtained from those students who were in their transition into college education. The sample included 45 boys and 47 girls who were in their first year in college. To understand the feeling of boys and girls being under stress various parameters were assessed. In this case, the fear of failing, somatic and tension symptoms as well as worrying were evaluated among the selected students (Halloran, 2017).

The data obtained were analyzed through central tendency where the median, mean, mode was evaluated. Similarly, the variability measure was assessed through variance and standard deviation. This helped to show how data was distributed to show the probability of students having a strong feeling of being under stress.

Question 3

According to the results obtained, there was a statistically significant difference in how boys and girls reacted during their transition to college. The level of feeling being stressed was shown to be more in girls compared to boys. However, the boys were more worried about what to expect while in college compared to girls. The level of stress was in females was <1.5 while that of males was presented as <1.0. All the same, the behavior cognition therapy was effective in assessing how the new students responded to their college environment.

Furthermore, the new students were assessed by a psychoanalyst on whether they had depression levels which could have resulted from their experience. From this analysis, it was found out that 48 percent of those in their first year or transiting into college education have fear elements and feel lost on what they were to expect. Moreover, by assessing the psychological status of the students who had transited into a higher level of education, it was shown that education level attained was highly determined by how well the involved students were in a position to manage and overcome the level of psychological disturbances which they experienced during their first years (Halloran, 2017).

Question 4

A graph showing incidences of college students (males and females) having emotional instability in various incidences

The graph showed that females had higher chances of having emotional instability compared to males. In this case, factors such as having male bodies that assured self-defense; increased helped to lower the level of fear and depression among the first year boys compared to girls in the same year (McCoy et al., 2014). Furthermore, the cumulative incidence graph showed that females had a higher level of emotions compared to men. Thus, the male’s values remained to be quite low then females.


A table showing the experiences of first-year students in their living condition in college. Adopted from;


As noted, the level of response of students in their first year was quite when compared with the reaction which other students gave. However, the sophomores had the highest percent of response since they were in more confident that the first year’s students. All the same, none of the students in college failed to show response since it was demonstrated that each of them had at least one thing that affected their thinking (McCoy et al., 2014). Moreover, the row summary provided the highest data value of what students experienced.




Halloran, D. A. (2017). Examining the Effect of Virtual Simulation on Anxiety Experienced by Pediatric Nursing Students (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).

McCoy, S., Smyth, E., Watson, D., & Darmody, M. (2014). Leaving school in Ireland: A longitudinal study of post-school transitions. ESRI Research Series, 36.