The article’s primary objective is to strengthen the idea of increasing the number of women in executive and other top management of corporate affairs. It is worth understanding that the male have dominated all the executive roles in major corporations in Canada. Affirmative action has been a major issue of concern, and I think this prerogative by OSC is a step in the right direction. I firmly believe that women have equal capabilities with their male counterparts thus making it paramount to sensitize the corporate world to involve women the management roles of their firms.
Ontario security commission only requires the companies to describe their diversity policies and how they plan to include women in the executive role. This is a friendly approach that will play a significant role in sensitizing the corporations to include women in their top management organs. Unlike in other countries like France and Norway where there are quotas imposed, Canada is likely to achieve far better. This is because the organization will only report on the policies and will try to compete to have the best policy. As the author asserts, it would be hard for any reasonable business entity to object such an initiative.
The author also indicates that such friendly approaches have been used in the past and positive results confirmed. The fact that there only 12% women of all directors in the publicly traded companies in Canada makes this initiative a noble one. The imposition mandatory quotas in the proportion of women to hold such executive roles have made Canada lag behind and it is for this reason that this initiative should be supported at all costs. Nevertheless, the commission must also derive means to motivate positive change and get the desired results. For instance, there could be rewards for organizations with the best policies that promote inclusion of women.
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