There are two main types of research methods that one can apply in conducting their research. These are qualitative and quantitative research methods. The two research methods adopt a different approach in the manner in which data is collected but all aim at providing the researcher with some insight on the subject matter of research.
Quantitative research method
Quantitative research method places focus on the goals measurement using statistical, numeric or mathematical tools in the process of collecting data. Some of the main ways through which data is collected include distribution of questionnaires to be filled by the sample population selected, conducting polls and utilizing the secondary data available using various statistical tools and techniques to examine a particular hypothesis. Additionally, qualitative research concentrates on the collection of information across different groups and testing it statistically to explore a specific phenomenon. The primary goal of conducting a quantitative study is to ascertain the relationship between one variable and another within a particular population. The design of the research is either descriptive or experimental in approach, and its focus is mainly on numeric data which is unchanging.
An example of quantitative is where research is done to ascertain the length of time spent by a physician to attend to a sick person from the time they enter the hospital. Here, a questionnaire can be designed aimed at gathering information concerning the patient’s levels of satisfaction. The question can structure I away y that the patient is able to provide the amount of time they spend in the hospital and how often they visit the health facility to get the service among other questions. Other forms of quantitative surveys can take the kind of survey research, cross-sectional studies, longitudinal surveys, correlation research, casual comparative research and experimental research among many others.
Qualitative research
Qualitative research, on the other hand, is a type of scientific research that is mainly investigative in such a manner that aims at answering a question, gathers proof, produces finding that had not been determined in advance and also produces findings that can be used not only in the study but in other areas beyond the study. The strength of the research lies in its capacity of avail textual descriptions that are quite complex regarding individuals experiences on a given topic of study. Additionally, it focuses on providing information concerning the human aspect of an experiment. The methods applied in qualitative research are useful in revealing the intangible factors like the social norms, economic state on persons, roles they play regarding their gender, their religious beliefs among others.
There are three most commonly applied methods in qualitative research. Firstly, there is participant observation which inappropriate for gathering data concerning the behaviors that occur naturally in their usual contexts. Secondly, in-depth interviews are another common method applied in qualitative research. They are efficient in gathering data on a person’s histories and experiences when there is a discussion on some sensitive topics. Finally, there are focus groups that are more practical in scenarios where cultural norms of groups are being explored. An example of qualitative research is where there are a shopping store and the only customers that visit the store are men. An excellent method of determining why women are not frequenting the stores is utilizing qualitative research method where an in-depth interview can be conducted. Individually, examples of potential female clients can be interviewed to help find a reason for not visiting the store.
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