Research Methodology

Research Methodology

There are common errors experienced in the research process. Some of the most common problems include inaccurate and selective observations.  These are the basic perceptual fallacies that can lead to serious issues such as stereotyping. In most cases, selective and inaccurate observations occur unnoticed and it is the obligation of the researcher to ensure that these vices do not compromise their work. A researcher must work tirelessly to ensure such problems do not hinder the law enforcement process (Padhy, 2006).

Both inaccurate and selective observations can either be positively or negatively biased and this could be a major impediment to criminological research and law enforcement.  These errors hinder the researcher from getting the actual results on the ground. In order to prevent such errors in criminological research process, it is important for the researchers to adopt scientific research process (Padhy, 2006).  Scientific methods in research are very instrumental in preventing research errors such as inaccuracy and selective observation.  The scientific methods specify the objectivity, logic, theoretical understanding and knowledge of research in the development and use of precise measurement that are designed to record observations accurately.

A researcher in criminal field is interested in gathering facts and truths in the crime sector. The scientific methods enhance the principles of empiricism, skepticism, objectivity, ethical neutrality, accuracy and parsimony with an aim of assessing a particular theoretical explanation. These scientific principles are very essential in reducing accuracy and selective observation problems. Having a clear objective will help the researcher to focus fully in the research question and this will help achieve the objective. Empiricism and objectivity are important scientific principles that a researcher should embrace to have the correct answers to research questions (Padhy, 2006). They help the researcher to get conclusions based on careful observations that sees the world in reality free of prejudice and personal feelings.



Padhy, P. (2006). Crime and Criminology. Delhi: Isha Books

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