

Task 1

Strijbos, B., (2016) UK fashion industry statistics. [online] Fashion United. Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016].

Fairlie, R., (2013) ‘Entrepreneurship, Economic Conditions, and the Great Recession’, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22(2), pp.207-231.

Odell, A., (2015) Tales from the back row: An Outsider’s View from Inside the Fashion Industry, New York: Simon and Schuster.

Task 2

Suder, G., (2011) Doing business in Europe, 2nd edition, New York: SAGE Publications.

Yüksel, I., (2012) ‘Developing a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model for PESTEL Analysis’, International Journal of Business and Management, 7(24).

Lopez, D., (2011) UK Business Environment: Positive And Forward-Looking | The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec. 2016].

Task 3

Allen, J., (2009) Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide To Successful Meetings, Corporate Events, Fundraising Galas, Conferences, Conventions, Incentives and Other Special Events, 2nd edition, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Shim, J. and Siegel, J., (2009) Budgeting basics and beyond, third edition, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Incorporated.

Task 4

Huang, R. and Sarigöllü, E., (2012) ‘How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix’, Journal of Business Research, 65(1), pp.92-99.

Blick, D., (2013) The ultimate small business marketing book, Surrey: Filament Publishing.

Task 5

Spetzler, C., Meyer, J. and Winter, H., (2016) Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions, New Jersey: Wiley.

Schmidt, G. and Wilhelm, W., (2000) ‘Strategic, tactical and operational decisions in multi-national logistics networks: A review and discussion of modeling issues’, International Journal of Production Research, 38(7), pp.1501-1523.

Davoren, J., (2016) Types of Information Systems in an Organization. Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec. 2016].

Task 6

Wisner, J., Tan, K. and Leong, G., (2014) Principles of supply chain management, 4th edition, Boston: Cengage Learning.

Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S., (2014) ‘Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions’, European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), pp.299-312.

Kurata, H. and Nam, S., (2010) ‘After-sales service competition in a supply chain: Optimization of customer satisfaction level or profit or both’, International Journal of Production Economics, 127(1), pp.136-146.

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