A reality TV show is a television program that focuses on the behavior of the ordinary people and their daily life activities. The show has been in existence for decades. The aim of the reality TV is always to bring out the hidden talents among people regardless of their age and race. Many people in the US are huge fans of reality TV shows especially the youths they have made the reality TV show as their favorite programs. Reality shows like America got talent has many followers; almost half of Americans citizens usually follow the show. The show is intended to showcase and expose hidden and unique talents (Bassano, Piciocchi, and Spohrer, 2017). America Got talent show has recorded over a million viewers worldwide. Reality TV shows are intended to nature young talents especially the younger generation. TV shows natured many of the successful musicians like Jenniffer Hudson after she won the American Idol in 2005 she was rewarded accordingly and since then she is a star worldwide.
Reality TV shows have many advantages because it provides many individuals with talent a platform where they can showcase their unique talents. America Got Talent show has helped many singers and magicians to showcase and demonstrate their abilities to the world. Many musicians who are now celebrities can attribute that their success came because of the reality TV show. Also back at home reality TV shows has helped many parents recognize the talents of their children, This is because many kids tend to imitate what they see on television and if a child is gifted a parent can be able to see and they can start nurturing that talent while they are still young.
Apart from showcasing different talents and gifts, reality TV shows have helped in advertisements and creating awareness concerning issues that mostly affects the society. Since the TV shows are believed to have more viewers, many companies take advantage of the show to advertise their products. For example in America, diabetes, and obesity has been a major problem affecting more people. So this TV shows have been telling people about the effects of being obese and encourages people with such problems to exercise a lot. They can even go further and show how people can exercise, and after they show the improvement, they go ahead and reward them, This encourages many viewers back at home who face such challenges to come out and exercise too (Fu, Ye, and Xiang, 2016). Reality TV shows have also helped in empowering women, and many women have been enabled to be in depended and to be of use in the society. Through this shows many women have been saved from being abused by their spouses since it has been encouraging women to come out in large numbers, this is because the shows have been inviting women on the shows who have come to testify how they were being abused and after they come out and explain their predicaments they were helped. Also, reality TV shows have also helped many teenage girls by showing the challenges facing teenagers. And through the presentations, many parents and teachers have explained how their adolescent girls have shown improvement in their daily lives and activities.
Many companies like the Coca-cola have gain popularity through reality shows. After every commercial break, an advertisement that comes along is guaranteed to make a massive sale since it is believed that many people worldwide are watching. Companies have decided to use reality shows because such shows have gain popularity worldwide. Sometimes most of the reality shows can be sponsored by the company’s product that is being advertised.
Despite the increasing popularity in reality shows, it has also received more criticism from researchers especially the social science researchers. The reality TV show is believed to be a source of entertainment, and many people love to watch it and also it has natured many talents where if not for the shows people could not have recognized them (Mikuláš, and Světlík, 2016). However, reality shows tend to expose many young children and teenagers to obscene languages and insults which seem to compromise their behavior. On the American Got talents, many shows are always being aired especially the magicians. So children might pick one of the actions and start practicing them merely because they watched on television. Most reality shows believe that using bad languages will enable them to attract more viewers, but instead, children always become victims because they are the ones who love watching televisions.
A reality TV show that I have explained above America got talents tends to support Andrejevic′s claims about surveillance, and advertising simply because apart from showcasing peoples talents the show has helped in creating awareness on matters that affect the society. Since the show has many views all over the world the contestants have to give their best because they know they are being watched all over, through an example where Andrejevic′s gave about the surveillance, the prisoners had to behave well because they believed that they were being watched by the CCTV cameras and the guard who was on the tower. This explains why the reality show contestants have to give their best.
Bassano, C., Gaeta, M., Piciocchi, P., & Spohrer, J. C. (2017). Learning the models of customer behavior: from television advertising to online marketing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21(4), 572-604.
Fu, H., Ye, B. H., & Xiang, J. (2016). Reality TV, audience travel intentions, and destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 37-48.
Mikuláš, P., & Světlík, J. (2016). EXECUTION OF ADVERTISING AND CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT. Communication Today, 7(1).
Thompson, K. (2017). Spotlight on popular culture (reality television genre)-part 2: Social surrogacy. Culturescope, 111, 52.