Realistic Investment

Response to Jason Dopler

Hi Jason, I like your choice of a realistic investment and your grandfather was right since no more land is being produced meaning its demand is always on the increase.  It is hard for a real estate investment to lose value as compared to other investments such as shares. Common stock shares can lose value when the company underperforms or if there is a financial crisis like the recession of 2008. Most of the investors lost their investments in this market crisis. I agree that with you that with a family you now need to be careful with the investments you make.

Response to Malcolm young

Hi Malcolm, I like your analysis; it is good for one to first decide whether the investment is short term or long term. Something short-term would include government bonds and shares which can be sold in the financial market any time. There are many online platforms for short term investments. However, for something long-term, it is good to consider the risk factors involved. The high risk investments usually have a high return. However, the prevailing economic conditions also have an effect on the financial markets. The economic recession of 2008 affected most of the investments and most of the people lost all their savings.

Response to Blake Irwin

Hi Blake, great line of thought, I agree with you that investing is a risky activity but has high rewards. Making an investment decision is hard since one cannot tell what will happen tomorrow. Real estate is the most risk free investment. As you have indicated, once you build houses in growing college towns, you will just be collecting rent and there are very few risks involved. In addition, with insurance, there are no risks involved since the houses will be insured. Real estate investment has a constant flow of income making it good for people who wish to safeguard their investments.


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