HUMA 2319 – AMERICAN MINORITY STUDIES 4-STEP FINAL PROJECT, SPRING 2018 This work satisfies the final requirement in this course. It replaces the traditional final exam. The final project consists of two components – one, a research essay; the second, an oral history set of interviews. During the last week of class, you will present a 5-minute summary of your project to the class. STEP 1: TOPIC SELECTION From the following subject areas, select ONE topic to research. • Explore coverage of race and racially motivated incidents in the news, popular culture publications, television including online programming, film, and video (including YouTube) in the United States. Time Periods: 1960-present day. This necessitates actual research into this topic, not unsupported personal opinion
STEP 2: PREPARE A RESEARCH-BASED ESSAY ON THE TOPIC YOU SELECT MLA format: Margins – 1” top and bottom, left and right Font size: 11 or 12 Length: 7 pages minimum not including oral histories or Works Cited. Works Cited additional and required. You may also submit Works Consulted. Wikipedia is not a credible or acceptable source. STEP 3: ORAL HISTORIES Conduct interviews with a minimum of 3 individuals from the college/university community. One person must be of a different race or ethnic group than you • One person must be of the opposite sex • One person should be older than you by at least 10 years. Do not interview individuals under the age of 18 Ask each individual a total of 5 questions. The following 2 questions must be included. Q1: Describe the place (urban neighborhood, small town, rural community, suburb, etc.) where you grew up. What was it like? How has it changed over the years? What brought about these changes? What did people do for a living? What do they do now? Q2: How have historical events affected you, your famility and/or community? For example, what were some of your experiences during • war (9/11, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, other militaristic conflicts) • the financial crash of 2008 • climatic catastophes (hurricanes, tornados, wild fires, tsunamis) • mass shootings • aftermath of police killings of unarmed black men Q3, 4, and 5: You may add up to 3 additional questions of your own. Your questions should be designed to illuminate your topic for the research essay. Make certain you ask each individual the same questions. Otherwise the legitimacy of your evaluation will be compromised. Transcribe your interviews and attach them to your research essay. To record the oral histories, you might consider recording the individuals. There are several apps you can download to your phone for this purpose. I write for publication and use an app for the interviews I conduct. Remember to ask for permission to record before you begin. STEP 4: ORAL PRESENTATION During the last week of class, you will present a 5-minute presentation that outlines and summarizes your research. Resources will be uploaded to support you in the preparation for an oral presentation.
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