Questions and Answers for Children’s Education

Questions and Answers for Children’s Education

  1. Should parents be expected to participate directly in their children’s education? If so, why and how should they participate? If not, why not?

Yes, parents should be expected to participate directly in their children’s education. However, both the parents and children will benefit from the action. The participation of parents will enhance children’s self-esteem. The parents will be able to communicate their confidence in the children, and this will increase their academic performance. Also, parents’ participation will improve their relationship with the children, and they will develop positive attitudes towards the school (Booth, & Dunn, 2013). Parents can get involved by serving as school volunteers. They can be recruited and trained to work in the library or classrooms. Parents can also participate in parent-teacher conferences and other discussion forums. Lastly, parents can promote at-home learning by monitoring and helping the children with their homework.

  1. Should children spend more time at home working on homework? Why or why not?

Children should not spend more time at home doing homework due to the following reason. The amount of time a student is allocated to finish his/her homework is approximately 10 minutes per grade level. Therefore, teachers always try to create and balance the homework by considering the child’s ability, interest, motivation and the difficulty of the task (Wagner, Schober, & Spiel, 2008). The children are required to devote the limited time they have to do their homework and perform well academically. Although homework is useful for assessing, the students should spend more time studying.


  1. Should the length of the school day or the number of days spent in school be increased? Why or why not?

I totally agree with the idea of increasing the number of days the children should spend in school. The exams or test preps take a greater percentage of the actual time teacher use. Therefore, teachers should make use of the extra time and ensure they achieve the best. More time spent at school will improve the performance of the students since teachers will have ample time interacting and assisting the students. Also, the teachers will be able to fill the deficit left in the previous course work.

  1. Should teachers spend more time during the day on productive activities? If yes, which activities should they spend time on and which should be eliminated? If not, why not?

No, I think all the activities in the school are productive and as a teacher, I should maximize my daytime in school and participate in each and every activity I am assigned. However, for my case, I find it interesting and enjoyable engaging in fun school activities, learning and extracurricular activities with my students.



Booth, A., & Dunn, J. F. (2013). Family-school links: How do they affect educational outcomes?. Routledge.

Wagner, P., Schober, B., & Spiel, C. (2008). Time students spend working at home for school. Learning and Instruction, 18(4), 309-320.

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