Quality Assurance in the Organization

Quality Assurance in the Organization

Quality Assurance which is commonly known as QA Testing is an activity to monitor the operations of an organization and ensure the best service or product is provided to the customers. Quality Assurance (QA) mainly focuses on enhancing processes to deliver quality services and products. Every organization is hence compelled to ensure that their processes are effective and efficient according to the Quality Assurance standards (David, 2017, 194). Quality Assurance is an assessment to all the processes of an educational institution, and it is categorized into different assessment methods such as External Quality Assurance (EQA), Internal Quality Assurance (IQA), Assessor and Learner.

External Quality Assurer (EQA)

External Quality Assurer is responsible for all the activities of External Assurance, and they are required to possess specific qualifications. The quality assurance job is demanding requires an individual who is competent and able to apply all the necessary skills to ensure that all the processes are not compromised. Educational institutions have departments and different units, and a Quality Assurer is expected to be an expert in the educational area. Becoming an expert in an occupational area implies that one must be very competent in a way that they can understand all the processes within the region (David, 2017, 198). The QA know the qualifications in an occupational area to be able to detect those teachers who are inept to operate in handling learners. Annual participation in AQA training activities and standardization is also required so that a professional can be synonymous with all the changes that are experienced in an occupational area.

The process of external assurance requires the External Assurer to examine the assessment and the practices of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) for the educational levels that the ministry has approved. The EQA is also responsible for the sampling of all the assessments by internal assurers to ensure that there is a consistency in their decisions. EQA also monitors occupational competence of assessors and the IQA team and ensures that the learner expectations are being met. The processes also encompass checking the availability of resources to the learner and their relevance and also sign a certification to claim that all the requirements have been met.

Internal Quality Assurer (IQA)

Internal Quality Assurance ensures that all the educational assessors and teachers make valid, consistent and reliable assessment decisions. Training to the IQA provides these individuals with an opportunity to learn. Internal Quality assurance is also referred to as internal verification, and it is vital to every assessment and training program. It gives a reassurance to the learners that assessment standards are being adhered to. Internal Verifiers are responsible for the processes of the IQA in an educational institute (UK Standing Committee for Quality Assurance (UKSCQA), 2018, Pg. 4). The Internal Quality Assurers ensures that an assessor is confident of the processes they are examining while assessing the work of a learner. When the standards are achieved, formal recognition is provided by a body responsible for awards which issues a learner with a certificate to approve their achievement.  All the decisions that are made by the assessors are eventually evaluated against the set standards which assist in ensuring that the decision making is always consistent. The process of ensuring that the decisions made by assessors are in match with the established standards is known as standardization.  The methods applied in the assessment are required to be able to produce valid and correct data from the learners. Internal Quality Assurance is the procedure which ensures that the process of evaluation is reliable, accurate, current and sufficient. The execution of an internal quality assurance system needs a program of training for the staff, procedures for assessment and an arrangement which is organized.


Educational assessors are often responsible for the process of monitoring educational standards of specific schools and reporting the outcome to Internal Quality Assurers. The Assessors must have the right qualifications in the educational sector as a field of assessment. When assessors are performing quality assurance roles, they must have had experience as a quality assurance practitioner in educational functions (Olli, Johanna, Risto, Yihong, 2017, 152). An individual who can work as an assessor is required to possess experience and knowledge of best practices in quality assessment and assurance. The knowledge in the evaluation requires an improved understanding of the educational activities and the certified practices that teachers should provide to the learners. Most schools have always introduced appraisal forms to the teachers as a means of assessing the performance in the subjects that they teach in schools. Teacher evaluation in a school can be conducted by a school administrator who reports to the Internal Quality Assurer. Assessors ensure that teachers are observing the teaching codes of conduct and providing the right educational standards to the learners.

Evaluation can be performed while analyzing the performance of students in a class for a specific lesson which is taught by a teacher, and a comparison is made with other results from other teachers. Assessment of the performance of a teacher while delivering in a class is crucial since it promotes a culture of competence among the teachers. Assessors are frequent visitors in a school, and they often interrogate teachers on specific areas that they feel are not adequately addressed by the teachers while handling the learners (Rahel, 2015, Pg. 153). The primary aim of the continuous assessment is to improve on the quality of service that is provided to the learners and to continuously monitor if the teachers are meeting the standards. An assessor is also assigned the responsibility to check if the resources which are allocated by the ministry of education to schools are used accordingly to promote the achievement of learning objectives. When the standards are being compromised the assessor reports to the Internal Quality Assurer who reports to the External assurer, and this can result in the closure of the school. Quality in education is determined by the performance of different schools in various locations. The Assessors are located at the local levels to monitor schools and examine the qualifications of the teachers to provide the learner with the right materials of learning and ensure that learner performance is consistent. All the guidelines that are provided by the ministry of education are issued to the teachers by the Assessors, and they make a follow up to check if necessary changes are made to meet the expectations of the learner.


Continuous educational assessment and quality assurance is essential to the academic performance of the learner. Learners are expected to be guided through established policies within the educational setting that compels teachers to act following the standards set by Teacher’s service conduct. Learners’ expectation can be realized only through appropriate practices by the teacher, and this is determined by the level of assessment (Rahel, 2015, Pg. 156). Quality assurance processes rely on the performance of a learner, and when an improvement is observed in the performance of a learner, it implies that the quality standards are being followed by the teachers to deliver to the learners.


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