Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic

Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic

The cells are either classified as eukaryotic or prokaryotic depending on the arrangement of the cell structure. Prokaryotic cells are one that has no internal membrane in its structure and has a unicellular organism. The prokaryotic cells are compared to eukaryotic in terms of their basic structure.  These cells have a nucleoid which is are found inside where the genetic material is located. Hence, the DNA of the cell located at the nucleoid.  On the other hand, the eukaryotic cell is characterized by a bound membrane structure like the Golgi apparatus. Also, they have other structures that plays different roles.

An organelle is the name given to the structures of the eukaryote plays various roles.  Just like prokaryotic, eukaryote has a nucleus that contains genetic material. Therefore, the DNA of the cell is found in the nuclei. The structure of the cells directs various things such as division, the growth of the cell and death.  Mainly eukaryote cells are in fungi, plants, protists, and animals. The two cells discussed have various functions and structure that are similar.  Some of the common structures between the cells include ribosomes, cytoplasm, chromosomes, and cell membrane.

Ribosomes are a type of structure that is made of protein and RNA and makes protein depending on the directive of the DNA.  Cytoplasm is located inside a cell and is made of jellylike fluid that is made of water which fills the rest of the space. Cell membrane-enclosed the entire cell and is made up of two layers called lipids and proteins. The lipids in the cell membrane are referred to as phospholipids which have head and two tails.  The chromosome contains the DNA that is passed from one generation to the other. The eukaryotic cell has several chromosomes while prokaryotic has a single chromosome which is circular.


Flórez, L. V., Biedermann, P. H., Engl, T., & Kaltenpoth, M. (2015). Defensive symbioses of       animals with prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. Natural Product Reports, 32(7),          904-936.

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