Alan Aleman is a 20 years old undocumented immigrant living in Las Vegas and works at an immigration rights group. He was brought to America by his parents at the age of 11 years to live with his sister. He has been living in America with no immigration documents.
In his speech on immigration reforms, President Obama told the story of Aleman. Obama told this story to ignite a positive view of his immigration review. He argues people like Aleman came to America as children. They attended American schools and pledged to American flag. This makes them Americans only that this is not in paper. Obama wanted to show the public how important the differed act was. He referred to people like Aleman as people who are committed to make America better.
Obama was appealing to people to accept the immigration reforms by using logic and facts. He was trying to convince the public that the immigration reforms and policies were not just policies but they affected the lives of people whose immigration status was none of their decision. Aleman has been educated in America and wants to be an army doctor. He is committed to the country he calls he has known to be home.
Aleman is just symbolic of success. However, an immigrant, he has succeeded in education as well in pledge to be an American. Obama wanted to prove to the public that his immigration reforms were not politically masticated but were meant to change the lives of other people. He actually spent much of his speech time talking about Aleman, his achievements and aspirations. He was appealing to those rejecting his reforms to consider the effect of the reforms in the life of the childhood arrivals.
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