

Powerlifting is a weightlifting sport which involves bench press, squats, and two-handed deadlift. A worldview basically is a set of beliefs that guide particular actions. These set of beliefs can be partially true or entirely false. Generally, a worldview is the beliefs which one holds either consciously or subconsciously in regards to the essential things in life. There are four major worldviews, and pragmatism is a worldview best aligns with the research topic which is powerlifting.

, and therefore this topic makes use of multiple methods of research (Petersen & Gencel, 2013). The purpose of this research is to establish the importance of powerlifting for athletic development. Athletes need constant dedication and training, and as such athletes train for mastery of the game and at times, they do so to become dominant. Those in support of powerlifting assert that athletes need to partake in the sport to attain maximum strength. In order to develop athlete strength, powerlifting is utilized because it incorporates bench press, squats, and deadlift. Having strength equips the athletes with power, and this increases their chance of performing better. For instance when a person has strong leg muscles, and this enables them to gain considerable speed; this can be in the case of a runner.

Powerlifting is becoming significantly influential in both professional sports and college athletics.  Powerlifting is a good sport, and it benefits many athletes like swimmers, runners, and sprinters. Powerlifting is regarded as an essential sport because it equips the athlete with high strength and this enables them to create speed, agility, and power. When an athlete has a strong leg and arm muscles, they are less likely to have significant injuries. Powerlifters are better balancing because they have a strong standing base. Powerlifting undoubtedly is vital to the development of an athlete. However, those against the idea of engaging in powerlifting sports claim that the competition is bad for the heart because of too much stress on the heart.

Some of the keywords I would use to search for resource include ‘powerlifting’ ‘athletes,’ ‘squats’ ‘deadlifts’ and ‘bench press.’ This study would use information from IPF – International Powerlifting Federation IPF and journals like PMC.

Mostly, research methodology contains some form of internal bias from the author. It is important to distance oneself from having a bias in their research. The research topic in this paper is primarily centered around the pragmatic worldview. Pragmatism is a worldview which advocates for the use of mixed methods of research and focuses on ‘what works’ as the truth to answering the research question. According to Creswell (2009), “Pragmatism is not committed to any one system of philosophy and reality. This applies to mixed methods research in that inquirers draw liberally from both quantitative and qualitative assumptions when they engage in their research.”  Primarily, a pragmatic approach makes use of a method which is best suited to the research problem at hand.

Pragmatic research, therefore, has the freedom to use whichever procedures, methods and techniques linked to either qualitative or quantitative research. This worldview per se makes use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods when it comes to data collection concerning the topic of study. The use of mixed methods of data collection is of utmost importance to this research topic because it helps to eliminate any instances of internal bias. Pragmatist worldview and powerlifting (research topic) go nicely together because the worldview eliminates internal bias associated with qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Powerlifting is a sport mostly undertaken by the young generation. Since it is a sport of the youth, biasness exists, and it is manifested in terms of collecting information. Qualitative data used to analyze the study topic is mostly obtained via the use of informational interviews and observations. It is assumed that the use of a qualitative technique will contain possible bias as a result of interviewing the athletes, coaches, and powerlifters. Internal bias in qualitative research is created by the interviewees who contributed a lot regarding the study topic. Understanding the importance of powerlifting in athletes’ development helped build a strong argument in support of the topic sentence. Since this research is data-driven, a pragmatic approach is essential since it will identify biases which will later be used to explain the data collected during the data collection period.

This research will make use of both qualitative and quantitative data to inform the findings of the study. As stated by Creswell (2009), mixed methods are used to conduct. In this case, the mixed methods are used to conduct subjective biases in the study topic. Facts, figures and raw numbers will be used in this research while trying to understand and explain the subjective nature of what makes powerlifters successful athletes. Qualitative data in this study will also be used to identify preferences among the participants of powerlifting sport. Other than interviews, another form of obtaining qualitative data is through the use of surveys.

Quantitative data will include the size and percentage of athletes enrolled in powerlifting sport. This data can only be gotten from the relevant stakeholders involved in the running and managing the powerlifting sport. An assumption can be made from this study that just the athletes who want to have strong muscles engage in powerlifting. I am of the opinion that this study needs to take the views of trainers, parents, and powerlifters into consideration. It is essential to get their general input in regards to powerlifting and the hypothesis surrounding the sport. Getting data from all the involved parties will enable both the reader and the researcher to gain deeper insight into the power of powerlifting in the development of athletes.




Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach (5th Ed.) Twelve Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Retrieved March 7, 2019, from file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/REadings.pdf

Petersen, K., & Gencel, Ç. (2013). Worldviews, Research Methods, and their Relationship to Validity in Empirical Software Engineering Research. 2013 Joint Conference of the 23rd International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 8th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, 81-89.