Poverty Related


Poverty is a condition that is categorised to be a lack of necessary resources needed for survival in our lives. It can also be lack of food, shelter and clothing. During poverty, people go through persistent starvation and hunger not forgetting that the need for health care and education are also eliminated from society. Therefore, the leading causes of poverty differ from one country to another and can be ascribed from their governance, dynamics and history within the community. The reasons are evident and are as stated below (Joseph, 2017).

Centralisation of power and corruption

This happens when political leaders delegate local levels and when a society is developing thus getting bigger making representatives to raise in all levels. Leaders become the primary cause when they take money that is meant to help their citizens in ameliorating and instead use it for personal needs (Deka, 2017).

Climate change

There are many events like severe storms, drought and flooding that impact people mostly those in poverty.                      This is because a majority of the people practice and depend on hunting, farming and gathering to earn a living as well as a eating.so when the weather changes it pushes the poor into poverty   for example heavy rains can affect planting processes thus delaying foods on the expected time (Hque,2017).

Lastly, Poverty has been defined as a condition that is categorized to be lack of necessary resources needed for survival in our lives.it can be also lack of food, shelter and clothing. It is caused by factors such as; Climate change, Centralization of power and corruption among others.

















Joseph, O. (2017). Sociological Approach to Poverty Alleviation Programme in Nigeria. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research16(7).


Hque, U. (2017). Contribution of Women Entrpreneurs in SMEs Amoung SAARC Countries. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS)6(6).