Conventionally, the context of politics has been viewed to be within national political mechanisms. The national governments have generally assumed to take responsibility of maintaining the economic and security welfare of their people together with safeguarding the borders and the human rights of its citizens. With the shift in the global ecology, there are more integrated activities from economic to social and political perspective that operate on a worldwide scale. Under globalization, the politics happen above the state through political integration schemes such as the European Union and organizations such as IMF, WTO and the world bank. The main focus of this paper is the comparison between the academic and non-academic literature on political globalization in politics
Non-academic Source
The speed exchange of communication, size, and intricacy of the networks, risk and interaction, the volume of trade provide globalization with a peculiar force. The increased interconnection in regards to economics has brought about profound political changes. The dependence on larger or central economies such as the United States for technical expertise and capital by the weaker nations has increased. There is a change in power that tends to move away from the nation-state to multinational cooperation. Globalization has dominant political, economic, social and cultural perceptions. A major casualty in the impacts of globalization are the national governments who have faced a reduction in power to influence and control their economies. For governments to survive in politics, they must adapt to the pressures of the forces of the transnational market (Doyle 2018). The author has been keen on addressing how globalization has led to a change in the political organizations of different countries. There is an in-depth analysis of the effects of globalization on the developing nations which have led to more dependence on the larger economies. Here the article tries to explain the political globalization as a form of interconnectedness in terms of technology, trade, communication and politics. The author aims at describing the political effects of globalization.
Academic Source
The author argues that political globalization can be viewed as historical, transformative in the way it changes institutional structures in the world and multidimensional not only an economic perspective. Perceiving political globalization in evolutionary standings makes it conceivable to create a schedule for global politics and from it stem an agenda of political hitches. The author tries to answer the question of what global challenges that political globalization leads us to. Where we are at the moment in time in regards to position globalization and evolution. The study tries to bring out political globalization as the political development shapes it. The concept of globalization is understood to be an institution such as free trial because it is focused on explaining the rise of global institutions transnational enterprises, global governance and leadership, world social movements and world opinions (Modelski and Devezas 2007). Institutional view differs from connectivity which views globalization as interconnectedness in matters such as the flow of communication and technology. The institutional approach not only emphasizes the realities of transformation but also tries to explain these enormous changes. The study is written for teaching, study and research purposes.
Reference list
Doyle, M. K. S. a. M. E., 2018. Globalization: theory and experience. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2019].
Modelski, G. and Devezas, T., 2007. Political globalization is global political evolution: world Futures, 63(5-6), pp.308-323.