Podcast Reflection 2

The podcast expounds on the gentrification and its impacts on the society. Gentrification is a process that leads to the improvement and renovation of settlement areas. The podcast base its content on the scientific findings by Professor Rachael Meltzer, Nicole, and LanceFreeman. Lance Freeman offers a study on the displacement impact of gentrification while Rachael focuses on the impacts on both business and jobs. There is a reference to New York and the negativeimpacts of the process such as noise pollution.

Lance explains that gentrification increases the housing cost that pushing low-income earners out of the neighborhoods. Renovation of neighborhoodssees the areas being overrun by wine bars, dog spas, shopping malls, and recreationalfacilities. According to Science Vs.(2018) The trend implies that the original residents are pushed away thus creating a problem of homelessness. The podcast further refers the 311 noise complaints in low income, low income, and gentrifying areas.

An analysis of over 600, 000 noise complaints calls indicates that a huge portion of New York residentscomplained of noise from gentrifying areas as compared to both high and low-income neighborhoods. The trend has become widespread in many areas since 2012 serving as an indication of the adverse impacts of gentrification.  While gentrification leads to the creation of new schools, jobs, and business, scientific studies point that the beneficiaries are the newcomers. Freeman uses qualitative data in exploring the connection between demographic factors and gentrification.

The studyrefers to the New York population which has become more educated, younger and become inclined to non-family households. Science Vs.(2018) notes that these changes are more evident in gentrifying areas that have seen a sharp increase in housing costs. In the last decade, rents in gentrifying areas have raised consistently as compared to low and high-income regions.  The podcast further explains that there have beenracial disparities in gentrifying areas since the 1990s.  Contrary to the white race which records a 20% growth rate(1990-2010), the Asian-Hispanic group records a slower growth rate.

Response to the Podcast

I concur with the scientific findings on the impacts of gentrification in demographic, economic and social structures.  Many gentrifyingareas are marked by newcomers implying that the original residents have been pushedinto low-income neighborhoods. New housing services come at a high cost and also  a disrupt jobs and businesses. Moreover, the establishment of non- family households have seen a rise in the number of wine bars, shopping malls and recreationalfacilities (Science Vs. 2018).  I agree that new developments as it is the case in New York lead to noise pollution from entertainment joints and businesses.

I am equally in agreement with the argument that gentrification causes ethnic and racial changes. Since the 1990s, there has been a decline in the number of personsfrom minority groups. On the contrary, there has been a sharp rise in the white population race. I can attribute the trend to economic factors such as access to employment and highhousingcosts. Lastly, I concur with the view put across by Freeman that gentrification has triggered demographic disruptions. In many gentrifying areas such as New York, young and educatedpersonsaccount for the most substantial portion of the population. I feel that while there are some positivecontributions, gentrifyingareas still have many issues such as racialdisparities, pushing out of original residents and increased cost of living.



Gentrification: What’s Really Happening?October 11, 2018, Retrieved from https://www.gimletmedia.com/science-vs/gentrification-whats-really-happening


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