Pleasant Description of my Classroom

Pleasant Description of my Classroom

As you enter our classroom, rows piled upon rows of exquisitely arranged desks, you can almost taste the vibrancy of the students occupying these desks. The teacher is writing on the neat, smart board, his arched back against the brilliant students. Across the windows, the sun’s gleaming rays bring light into the room. Meanwhile, the birds, perched on the tall trees just outside the class, chirp to a new morning song. The scents of different perfumes, combined with the robust and powerful fragrance of adjacent flower nectar seep down your nasal cavity. In similar fashion, the morning breeze almost sweeps you off your feet to perhaps welcome you to the magnificent place that is our classroom. This is surely the place to be.

Unpleasant Description of my classroom

Our classroom is not a place for visitors. The sight of scribbled walls, dirty floor coupled with heaps of waste spread across the room usher you into the classroom. The sun, straight from recharging over the night, glares its scorching rays through the open spaces. The closed windows combined with the stench filling the room slap you with a blanket of stuffiness. From the background, the screeching sound of braking vehicles marked a living hell. Further, the rowdy students trying to outshine each other in giving answers bring in an aura of confusion.

Rhetorical Analysis

The choice of the location described in this assignment is based on my experiences in class. As thus, writing this paper was really fun for me since it presented enough opportunities for positive and negative descriptions. In both stories, I managed to use direct statements of meaning in expressing the different tones. In the positive report, for instance, I wrote that the classroom is surely the place to be to insinuate a pleasant tone. On the other hand, the negative description asserted that the classroom is no place for visitors in preparation for the unpleasant description that followed. However, the placement of the two overt statements was done at different points in the paragraph. The overt statements clearly set up the tones of the descriptions providing a summary of the entire work.

After establishing the tone of the paragraphs, I used the tool of word choice in supporting the specifically identified tone. The choice word was done in a manner that supported the different experiences I witnessed within the same classroom setting and time. In the pleasant description, I used the words “gleaming” to describe the appealing nature of the sun’s rays. In contrast, however, the same rays were “glaring” thus producing a scorching effect to portray an unpleasant scenario. While the rays of the sun are similar, the use of different words in describing their effect represents two distinct descriptions.

Still, I used the tool of omission to portray the intended tones ion the different descriptions. The idea behind the utilization of these tools was to attain the mood designed in the paragraphs. For instance, the heaps of garbage in the classroom were omitted in the pleasant description but were included in the unpleasant one. Besides, the first paragraph omitted the screeching sound of braking vehicles while including the same in the second paragraph thereby attaining two different outcomes. In the second paragraph, the beautifully scented fragrance from the flowers was omitted but included in the first paragraph.

The perfect descriptions could not have been attained without the use of figurative language including similes and personification. The use of different tools was effective in portraying the same experience in two different descriptions. For instance, the use of the words “sweeps you off your feet” in the first paragraph serve to showcase the depth of the morning breeze. The choice of these personification helps in showing the very beauty of the breeze that slapped a person as they entered the classroom. Still, the use of metaphors such as “a living hell” helps in portraying the confusion that the noise in the classroom characterized. The combination of all these tools is effective in portraying the different experiences attained at the same time and period.


In the process of completing this assignment, I have learned the value of language in shaping different experiences. Through the use of different words, a writer can attain two extreme descriptions of the same experience while remaining factual in their reporting. I have also learnt that observation is quite an easy task but the task of describing experiences is difficult. Moreover, the value of showing readers the experiences observed is highly appreciated and better than just telling the observations. Through this assignment, I can now take note of small minute details that I never considered important hitherto. For instance, the values of birds chirping as well as the silence within a class are all important aspects in describing different experiences. Ultimately, the value of facts presentation, as well as the phrasing of observed experiences, is relevant in the crafting of eye-catching stories.

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