PESTEL strategic framework

PESTEL strategic framework

Prescribed Text
Mello, J. (2015). Strategic human resource management (4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning

This assessment task requires you to apply the PESTEL strategic framework highlighting political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that may have a significant impact on HR practices in your organisation, or the organisation of your choice.


PESTEL is a widely used framework that focuses on the external environment, and is thus consistent with the outside/inside approach. This assessment will enable you to demonstrate your ability to write succinctly and to apply theoretical frameworks to analyse relevant issues relating to the practice of strategic human resource management.
This assessment relates to the following learning outcome:

  • be able to synthesise and apply theoretical frameworks and scholarly research to critically analyse issues relating to the practice of strategic human resource management organisations.
Marking criteria
Criterion and weighting High distinction Distinction Credit Pass
Quality of your argument (10 marks) Relevent PESTEL factors applied comprehensively and exceptionally well. Many relevent PESTEL factors applied well. Several relevent PESTEL factors applied well. The framework is evident and some support is provided. However, there are many gaps in the analysis.
Quality of writing and referencing (5 marks) The analysis is clearly expressed and fully referenced in accordance with the APA6 system. The analysis is largely expressed clearly and referenced in accordance with the APA6 system. Some errors in written expression and accuracy of referencing using the APA6 system. Several errors in written expression which makes it difficult to follow the analysis. Several errors in the use of the APA6 system.

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