Personal Philosophy about Education

Personal Philosophy about Education

Education is traditionally understood to mean the acquisition of knowledge or experience. However, it goes ahead to include the development of habits, skills, and attitudes that are essential towards living a fulfilling life. It is considered to be a tool that is used to cause the desired changes in the community. For this reason, different countries have established different systems of education to help them promote and express their identities. Further, it is a vital means in achieving development in the social and political sectors of a country. Education also instills values in people and fosters proper habits and the right attitudes. Education philosophy is essential in that it brings harmony between the new and old aspects of education (O’Connor, 2016). It is a guide to students in the various issues encountered through the process of learning. Moreover, education creates a sense of bad and good as the values tested in schools are similar to those upheld by society.

Education is an individual and a uniquely personal experience exposed to every student. If children have to benefit from education, teachers must fully know what is required of them. To begin with, teachers should take teaching as a lifestyle and not a mere work routine. Teachers as the professions mandated to educate young minds should ensure that they promote learning and growth personally, academically, and ethically. Also, teachers equip are tasked with the duty to provide students with the necessary concepts to enable them to live successful lives. It is essential to establish an environment of mutual respect, honesty, and the free flow of communication between the students and teachers if these aims are to be achieved (Mead, Biesta, & Trohler, 2015). By doing so, the teacher also effortlessly manages to deliver the ethical attributes of equality. Academic learning should be grounded on inspiration and motivation as teachers should show passion for the students at the subject level and general education. Teachers should demonstrate ethical behaviors from which students can adopt them and use such ethical behaviors for their future survival.

Using constructivist methods of teaching pushes students to take an active role in their education. That is, they make choices and assume responsibility for intellectual discovery and inquiry. For example, experiments and projects done by students promote their achievement and also help both the students and teachers realize the strengths and preferences for each student (Altu & Yücel-Toy, 2015). The approach enhances varied activities for each student’s unique life goals, and thus the subject becomes relevant in the life of every student. Personal growth in the lives of the students is achieved when teachers choose to play the role of a mentor. The mentoring role involves showing compassion and portraying warmth which tells students that teachers are empathic and loving. Moreover, mentoring involves one-on-one discussions about goals, sharing ideas and experiences. Teachers must display positivity, confidence, demonstrate consistency, fairness, flexibility, as well as set high personal expectations if they have to be mentors to every student. If teachers conduct themselves in such a manner, students see them as an appropriate point of reference as to how adults should conduct themselves.

Every student has the right to learn and access education regardless of their ethnicity, gender or race under the direction of well-informed and knowledgeable teachers in the field of their expertise. The truth of the matter is that each student has a different style of learning and aptitudes. However, each student can have the same chance of success if the teacher creates a personal relationship with each student. Similarly, teachers should recognize their students’ unique potentials and goals to accommodate their individual needs and thus be able to help them in the pursuit of academic excellence.

Students should be ready to learn while teachers should always be prepared to teach. The role of students in the process of learning is as important as that of teachers. Students’ desire to learn or their expectations from the teacher are good motivations to the teachers whose study is to help them learn. Some teachers have difficulties in ensuring that their classrooms remain focused and avoid external distractions. Nevertheless, teachers should not find it hard since it is what they are called to do. As part of becoming the best teacher, I will ensure that my students are exposed to the concepts of progressivism which advocate for respect for individuality. The idea will help students not only accord respect to each other but also respect other members of the society and themselves.

As a teacher, I will also require feedback which I will use to gauge my students. Feedback can be obtained through term papers, assignments, exams, or through self-evaluation (Mead, Biesta, & Trohler, 2015). Whereas these forms of feedback are modes of student assessment, I can also use the data to gauge my expertise in guiding students in the learning process. If I realize that the outcomes recorded by students are not  positive, then I will need to review my way of instructing. Self-reflection is also an essential element as it helps teachers know what they did not do to meet the objectives of creating a positive learning environment for all students and what they can do to ensure that students receive the best learning experience ever. Furthermore, taking feedback makes it possible for teachers to try out new models of teaching and assessing students. Education is, therefore, an essential aspect in every person’s life and the best approaches should be used to ensure that it is passed on to everyone.





Altun, S., & Yücel-Toy, B. (2015). The Methods of Teaching Course Based on Constructivist Learning Approach: An Action Research. Journal of Education and Training          Studies3(6), 248-270.

Mead, G. H., Biesta, G. J., & Trohler, D. (2015). Philosophy of education. Routledge.

O’Connor, D. J. (2016). An introduction to the philosophy of education. Routledge.