Patient care practices that enhance recovery

The research explains different concepts of patient care practices that enhance recovery. It describes the role of communication as a crucial component in creating the required environment for the patient to recovers. It presents the extents at which the patient handoffs works as combined with the bedside reporting. Most of the literature reviews focused on introducing several benefits of the bedside nursing shift report. However, implementation of the program varies across different facilities and other institutions. It is attributed to different nursing perception. Patient safety and involvement in care play a significant role in ensuring that the successful implementation of the program.

The articles For most of the cases where bedside reporting was not well-implemented, a significant decline in patient improvement was noted. Besides the nurses’ attitude about the bedside reporting also determined they are at which the nurses rated the patient and satisfaction outcomes.

The research conducted Sherman, J., Sand-Jecklin,& Johnson, (2013) and Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, (2014), showed that the bedside reporting played a significant role in clinical practice. Sherman et al. 2013 supports this by referring to the patient handoff which often causes loss of information, and little certainty provided regarding its training. Through the use of medical Surgical Research Utilization Team,(MSRUT),

The patient issue is the core aspect being discussed in both articles. For instance, it narrows down to identify various benefits and disadvantages of know the bedside recording. Significant findings proved that the patient satisfaction Which has been explained through different reviews interpreting various impacts reports and results collected from the improvement of their conditions through the recording methods. Apart from identifying the patient’s conditions and outcomes, it has focused on communication and, and the relationship between the patients and the healthcare providers thus .providing an answer to the population and patient aspect of the PICOT question.

The interventions vary from one healthcare facility to the other. Besides, the process is also determined by the health conditions fax in the patients. The articles provide reliable information on different interventions applied to different groups of patient with man aim of identifying the major difference between the hand of the method and the bedside recording. The outcomes however varied significantly since each method was applied differently thus n   im0pacting on the nurses and patient perceptions On the other hand time has had variance especially where the nurses. Bedside reporting occurred only in the afternoon with an unspecified amount of time.

Sherman et al. showed that the patients came more informed and involved in care interventions. The process also showed a decrease in the amount of patient fall and faster discharge time. As compared to the initial reporting the beside reporting resulted in a more, informed healthcare personnel. The patient survey showed that more informed and involved patients became more aware of their conditions thus improving the patient’s circumstances. On the other hand, Sand Jeckline and Sherman similarly found significant improvement through post-implementation surveys conducted in the study. On of the meaningful, nursing practice was reporting, and assessment of the patient falls. It found out that the patient falls decreased substantially after the implementation of the strategy. However, it noted that the bedside reporting were not allows consisted when proper interventions failed to be applied to the practice. However, the nurses’ attitude about the report was more favorable compared to initial strategies. The nursing care interventions were also implemented to enhance the reporting process, and this was shown to be effective in providing reliable information required, for the reporting.

Other negative consequences noted include lack of privacy and anxiety in hearing about their illness. Furthermore, the process could result in repetitive information which were pointed out with the transfer o the information from the patient to recording and when the report delivered to the physicians. On the other hand, most of the nurses found the process to be taking longer, period compared to the other methods. Furthermore, the reports from the burses and the patients showed that the statements were inconsistent at some, point thus provides unreliable results.

Dissemination of evidenced-based practice varies across different organizations. However, the nursing care practices require a stepwise method that, provides the pre and post implementation strategies that target to address significant limitations of the plans. Communication is crucial in delivering efficient carte and practices to the patients. Besides, it is essential for healthcare professionals to understand the tradition and identify the best methods required for specific patient care practices. Organizing training would be crucial besides the exercise would also be communicated based  on the rates at which t achieves the best outcomes and creates an effective means of communication

Treatment and training manuals would be designed to ensure that the clinicians participate in the required students based on the necessary practice. The practice guideline would also play a crucial role in providing a reliable evidenced-based practice. The training programs would, therefore, aim at improving the real recording skulls and adopting innovative practices that ensure the efficient delivery of the required methods.

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