Chemical compound (synonyms): Ozone
Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) number: 10028-15-6
Sampling method number: NIOSH REL
C 0.1 ppm (0.2 mg/m3)
Name of sampling method: Acids, Inorganic
Ontario occupational exposure limit (all listed): 0.1 ppm
Sampling media (be specific): :Nitrite-impregnated glass fiber filters at 0.25 to 0.5 liter per minute
(L/min) and 90 L (180 min at 0.5 L/min).
Flow rate (range): 1 to 2 L/min
Minimum volume: 0.011 ppm (22.5-L air sample)
Maximum volume: 0.008 ppm (90-L air sample)
Minimum sampling duration (min): 180 min at 0.5 L/min
Maximum sampling duration (min): 360 min at 0.25 L/min
Number of blanks: 2 to 10 field blanks per set
Applicability of method (must be clear, complete and relevant – do not only cut and paste): This is a validated method that is established to determine the preferable procedures of the Methods Development Team. The technique uses Ion chromatography with post-column derivatization and UV detection. Ozone is capable of reacting with nitrate imbued on the filter during the collection. The device converts it through oxidation. The product of this reaction are removed from the filters using ionized water and finally analyzed by the use of UV-VIS detector at 200 nm
Interferences (be specific)? O3 is considered as nitrate; particulate nitrate compounds may interfere during the analysis if collected on the same IGFFs.
Any material that absorbs UV at 20 nm and also contains the same retention time as NO3¯ is interference when using the UV-VIS detector
Any special handling requirements for shipping (e.g., refrigerated)? Ozone does not require refrigeration. It is transported via special boxes.
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