Panic Attacks and cognitive behavioral therapy

In this discussion, the case to identify addresses Sam, a 15 years old teenage boy. Sam was born in Arizona, with no siblings or parents. The client’s mother died in an accident and no records about his father. Sam is a native male American and lives with foster parents. The diagnosis provided for this client who exhibited panic attacks involved physical examinations where the health professional closely observed exhibited symptoms such as fear. Additional tests were employed to track symptoms like heartbeats and breath shortness. During physical exams, it was noted that Sam revealed severe symptoms, like sweating, vomiting, breath shortness, chills or hot flashes. The foster parent provided background record that, the patient experiences such outlined symptoms when attending school. The client disliked attending public places like school or church as he feared terrible things would happen to him or the family. According to the diagnosis process, following the DSM-5 model, the exhibited symptoms confirmed a panic disorder.

The intervention chosen for this case is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The approach was selected as the best treatment plan for intervening in mental health conditions like panic disorder. CBT therapy focuses on a person’s thought and behaviors that trigger fear and control anxiety and panic attacks. The method of intervention was appropriate because, if the client is trained to control negative thoughts and withstand exposure to situations causing panic, then he can overcome the condition. A potential ethical dilemma identified in this case is symptom exacerbation. Though exposure therapy is helpful in overcoming fear, the intervention is not sure whether it would reduce or elevate panic symptoms. As a social work leader, an approach to individuals with this type of disorder through a system-based is integrating family members, community groups like educators and peers. Such individuals would help the client manage their fear by exposing them to situations triggering panics like schools, church or sports grounds.

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