Of course, succession planning is always vital at all levels of the organization because it supports the strategic plan as well as vision (Church, Shull & Burke, 2018). According to the arguments of Church, Shull & Burke, (2018), it provides an important starting point for employees and leadership development. The role of the supervisor is to maintain discipline while also controlling work-related activities in an organization (Church, Shull & Burke, 2018). It is a role that requires competency in the development of employees. The role of a manager puts more emphasizes on the day to day operations of the organization, and the competencies needed in this case include proper skills of communication, approaches of resolving conflicts, leadership, mentorship, change management, and team building initiatives.
It is possible to have some overlaps between directors and managers depending on the size of an organization (Church, Shull & Burke, 2018). But it is vital to know that a well-structured organization, directors should oversee the work of the managers while also focusing on the goals of the organization. The directors also evaluate and formulate strategies for the organization’s process, and the core competencies of the directors include budgeting, problem-solving, strategic thinking, sound judgment as well as understanding the external environment of the organization.
The succession planning process of an organization where I used to work entailed the process of identifying its employees with the ability to develop specific useful skills required for the role (Peters-Hawkins, Reed & Kingsberry, 2018). The purpose of identifying employees with these skills was to allow the organization to help them to develop these skills and further their careers. The organization puts more emphasis on employee development; for instance, the role of managers in the organization entails accountability for the completion of its projects. The managers, therefore, communicate, make decisions, provide visions, resolve any conflict arising, lead and also mentor team members effectively. Giving people with managerial skills such responsibilities promote the creation of interpersonal relationships in the team
Church, A. H., Shull, A. C., & Burke, W. W. (2018). Organization Development and Talent Management: Divergent Sides of the Same Values Equation. In Enacting Values-Based Change (pp. 265-294). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Peters-Hawkins, A. L., Reed, L. C., & Kingsberry, F. (2018). Dynamic leadership succession: Strengthening urban principal succession planning. Urban Education, 53(1), 26-54.