Organizational Development

In America, there are people with different cultural beliefs, religions, as well as values. In nursing, the primary role is to promote the health of the people from all these groups. The nurses have to be skilled in how to deal with patients from different cultures. The specific challenge identified is the lack of universal health insurance to cover the elderly who do not have an income to pay premiums. There is no elderly health insurance program. The individuals in these populations are considered vulnerable because the health they receive differs from that of the dominant population. This gap exists in the United States health sector, but the health care providers are dedicated to reducing this gap to ensure there is equality for all Americans regardless of their race, religion, age or cultural values.


One principle for health promotion is broad and positive which means that health should not be determined by the absence of diseases (Montgomery, & Jones, 2010). Health promotion should incorporate aspects such as physical, social and mental wellbeing. The second principle of health promotion is participation and involvement (Somerville, Seeff, Hale, & O’Brien, 2015). This is critical in promoting the health of vulnerable population because the programs are effective only I the target groups develop ownership. The target population should be active in the process from the beginning to the end.

Various strategies are used to bridge the gap that exists in the health care services offered to a diverse or vulnerable population (Montgomery, & Jones, 2010). One barrier of ensuring that the members of a vulnerable population receive quality medical services regardless of whether they can afford it or not is lack of established programs to ensure that all the health care organizations adhere to the strategy. This makes it hard for the policy to be implemented and the aged who are financially unstable continue to suffer as they cannot afford quality health services. Also, it becomes challenging to determine those cannot genuinely afford the services from those who are unwilling to pay.


The evidence-based health promotion is the promotion done based on data from the population that a particular demographic is facing challenging in controlling a disease that is affecting the people (Montgomery, & Jones, 2010). The promotion is meant to come up with initiatives to help the affected population deal with the challenge. The initiative might come to eradicate the disease or help the population deal with the disease challenge. The poor elderly among the population in the United States are vulnerable than any other population in the United States. The older adults without the finances to pay for insurance face challenges when they need to access medical care to be treated but they don’t have the insurance that they need hence they end up suffering and even death.

Gaps in the Health Care Service

The gap in health care service where the elderly are not insured is a responsibility of the state to come up with a program to help them (Montgomery, & Jones, 2010). The elderly who have no income end up not being covered because they lack finances to pay premiums. It’s a constitutional right of the elderly to get healthcare services when they are in need. The challenge comes where they are not insured. The other gap is that no non-governmental institutions are filling the gap.

Strategies to Bridge the Gaps

The evidence-based strategies that need to be implemented include coming up with a policy where the universal health insurance is required to cover all the aged after the rich a certain age to enable them to get health services. The other strategy that can be used is empowering the elderly by improving the capacity of the hospitals to treat the elderly when they seek healthcare services. Also, non-government can over health services to the elderly to fill the gap.


Epidemiological Concepts

The elderly don’t have a source of income that they can be able to pay for their insurance cover; hence they are usually not covered.  The elderly are also vulnerable to geriatric diseases; hence they need the insurance to cover all their healthcare needs. The American society has a culture of abandon their old parents when they grow old; hence they cannot support than when they are in need. The elderly need to be granted their right to access to healthcare as provided by the constitution.

Data Analysis Methods and Tools

Different methods are used in analyzing the data on the vulnerable populations; the methods include descriptive statistics analysis where the data is analyzed to understand the population more in terms of mean, median, percentage, and frequency. Understanding the data more. The other method is the inferential analysis showing the relationship between different variables. The tools used in the analysis of the information include the R programming tool for analyzing statistical data. The other tool that can be used is the excel tool that can be used to analyze the data widely. The database from which contain health-related data can be used to provide the health data of the aged population. When the data is analyzed, it will give the guideline on what needs to be done to solve the challenge.

A health care organization serves the primary health care concerns for the elderly who are currently approximately 23 million (Montgomery, & Jones, 2010). One of the primary concern of the elderly is the geriatrics whereby the health care practitioners focus on promoting the health of the elderly. As the year progresses, the elderly are faced with the challenge of moving from one place to the other. The health care organizations, however, are dedicated to fixing this problem by encouraging the patients to exercise physically. The organization also encourages frequent checkups for diseases to be detected in the early stages and treatment started. The nurse offers advice to the patients on maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure that their bodies are strong thereby preventing geriatric diseases.











Montgomery, K. S., & Jones Schubart, K. (2010). Health promotion in culturally diverse and vulnerable populations. Home Health Care Management & Practice22(2), 131-139.

Somerville, M. H., Seeff, L., Hale, D., & O’Brien, D. J. (2015). Hospitals, collaboration, and community health improvement. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics43(s1), 56-59.