Opinion Polls

We all want to keep an eye on how our leading candidates are doing in electoral races. Right now it is highly heated for the presidential race. Pollsters keep us on the loop with what to expect ‘if elections were held today’ (CNN, 2015). The point we all don’t get is how the pollsters collect information. There are the kinds of questions they ask and from the results they develop the comparisons and predictions. Here is a sample of ten questions that a pollster would use for an opinion poll in the United States.

  1. What is your political affiliation (Republican, Democrat or others)?
  2. Who is your favorite candidate for presidency?
  3. Who do you hope wins the primaries from the other party? Why?
  4. Why would you vote for him or her?
  5. Is there any policy from the other party you would like your party to adopt?
  6. Is your favorite pro domestic policy or pro foreign policy?
  7. What in the current regime would you love to be carried over to the next regime?
  8. Who do you think will vote in the Democrats?
  9. Who do you think supports the Republicans bid?
  10. What one thing could you change about American politics?

From the research, I can say polling is tedious, a really tiring job. I was just interviewing ten people and I could not stand it for long. People have different opinions. In many cases, the political affiliation of an individual is the main determinant or deterrent to a political decision. The issues of ideology, party fanaticism and the long standing political differences in the country play out well in the polls.

The issue of candidacy favoritism is still based on party affiliation in a major way. Apart from a small clout that opted for ideology before party affiliation, the general consensus is based on party sycophancy. Most of the poll questions though demanding different answers from people tend to attract repetitive answers from the people. The most intriguing aspect is how people wait to get clues before they answer most of the questions.

There is a general negative attitude about polls. Many people before answering tend will complain. The main complain is “why disturb me with questions that won’t assist me?” there is a general show of conservancy and liberalism among the people, mostly backed up by two factors, race and political party. The Democrats incline heavily to liberalism, usually the minority races in the country. The Republicans on the other hand show a great deal of conservancy led by the white majority.

The conception about who will cast their votes for which party is majored by the traditional alignment of states where the north vote for Republicans and the South votes for the Democrats in defining margins (CNN, 2015). The people still hold those general patterns as the deciding factors at the end of the elections.

There are two questions that got straight answers from the interviewees; one is on party affiliation and the other on favorite candidate. The question that drew sharp reactions on what one could change about the politics of the nations. There is a sharp division on those who feel the country is forever in political mood considering presidential and gubernatorial elections are done in space of two years and that should change. The political fanatics feel the political cloud is a great atmosphere for them.



Work Cited

CNN,. ‘Political News, Analysis And Opinion Pollls- Cnnpolitics.Com’. N.p., 2015.

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