Networking utilities

Networking utilities

Question 1

Choice company supports two different networking utilities. There is a central website which facilitates the reservation of rooms by the prospective clients of any of the franchises. The Profit manager (Main reservation technology) on the other hand promotes the automatic search for the most basic hotel depending on the price, location, standard or range ( Hua et al., 2015). These two networks support Choice’s franchises via inventory management, quality control and marketing after paying the franchisor fees and royalties. Network functions are very reliable since Choice considers the managers of its franchises as its main clients.  The strength of these networks implies that productivity and resultant efficiency in the dispensation of the hotels’ mandate to the customers. This is because, whereas there is a system for locating the available guesthouses, there is one for identifying the areas where they are found and the respective prices.

Furthermore, having these two networks gives Choice a competitive edge over its rivals because of the improved image and the embracing of modern technology.  In the year 1990, this business opted to go the global reservation way ( Hua,et al., 2015). At this time, the online and local reservations were conducted manually and hence inefficient. As a result, the company opted to shift from telephone-based systems of booking to online platforms. When the franchises increased coupled with their many requirements, the company use satellites. Thereafter they rolled out high-speed internet to enhance its efficiency in 2004.

Question 2

The security of an organization within the setting of online has elicited a lot of concerns among people. This is due to the rampant growth of global connectivity in recent years. For the majority of companies, data is precious, especially when it includes pertinent and sensitive information, algorithms, proprietary formulas, secret research or financial data. This kind of information is essential as it can provide a competitive edge to an organization. This is the information the top executives of a business would not like it to be shared (Tankard, 2015). Therefore, extending network connectivity globally is likely to bring in more security issues to the company than before.

Moreover, the dependence of internet platforms as storage areas for organizational information is precarious as the video conferencing and files sharing sites are very unpredictable.  As such, the organization is at high peril of losing important documents, dropping important videos or calls with its customers or deal with cybercriminals (Bilgihan et al., 2016).

The creation of an organization’s details requires much of its private data like the particulars of bank accounts, payment criteria and the majority of the confidential data that can be viewed by prospective customers, suppliers and other key stakeholders in the business. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the more the global connectivity is increasing, the more cybercrimes are growing. Although there are robust systems which are hard to penetrate, absolute immunity against hacking and phishing of the organization’s data by unscrupulous individuals is not guaranteed. This means taki9ng the global connectivity reoute3 by an organization is likely to be intruded by hackers who can cause system disturbance, theft of pertinent data or reduce the performance of the organization’s technology (Tankard, 2015).

Question 3

The high-speed internet implementation at the comfort suites and Clarion hotels respectively for the guests is essential since it can help in avoiding any to the accessing of services by customers. Fast internet access is necessary since it can help in escalating the image, and reputation of Choice company; hence, boosting its competitive advantage (Bilgihan et al., 2016).

Nevertheless, it should be understood that the establishment of fast internet can encourage idleness in the franchisees’ hotel businesses. Fast internet draws the attention of the customers especially youths and may end up extending their unpaid periods within the hotel hence reducing the returns. Moreover, the installation of fast internet in both Clarion and Comfort Suites hotels can face the disadvantage of promoting undesired behaviors like watching or shooting of pornographic materials in the guest rooms’ hence perpetuating evil in the society. These kinds of behaviors are very detrimental to generally accepted standards of morals in many nations, and hence any organization found to be morally questionable customers evades them. Lack of customers can cost a company’s profitability detrimentally. The point to underscore here is ethics. Companies which uphold high ethical standards outperform others who are morally skewed. As such, if guests will end up misusing the fast internet in the perpetration of moral decadence, the reputation and the image of the franchisor and franchisees will be at stake hence affecting their overall profits (Bilgihan et al., 2016).

Additionally, the establishment of fast internet can attract many customers into the many rooms of both Comfort Suites and Clarion hostels respectively hence causing clogging. Network clogging can result in inefficiencies since accessible websites cannot serve as many people as possible. Again, hackers and phishers can take advantage of the fast internet connectivity to perpetuate cybercrime (Tankard, 2015)They can steal the data from the company’s database which can be used for carrying out other crimes like theft. Again, they can use the privilege to cause system disturbances which can affect the hotels’ efficiency and productivity.


Hua, N., Morosan, C., & DeFranco, A. (2015). The other side of technology adoption: examining the relationships between e-commerce expenses and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, 109-120.

Bilgihan, A., Smith, S., Ricci, P., & Bujisic, M. (2016). Hotel guest preferences of in-room technology amenities. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(2), 118-134.

Tankard, C. (2015). The security issues of the Internet of Things. Computer Fraud & Security, 2015(9), 11-14.

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