Although many businesses today use their social media effectively to connect with customers and promote their commodities, social media can pose a severe threat to society. Not only the information shared on social media can interfere with productivity but the social network information can also affect the coworker relationships. This review, therefore, focuses on three negative impacts of social media on society.
Social media affects time management; a lot of workers in companies today have social media accounts. Unfortunately, a lot of workers have developed the bad habit of checking their accounts throughout the day and even sometimes when they are at work. Even when an employee checks the social media account for a few seconds, it becomes difficult to refocus on the work that he/she was doing before opening the account (Salehan, 2013). Lack of proper time management may hinder productivity.
Online bullying and work tension; this is the other negative impact of social media in society. Some people term cyberbullying as an issue with young people. However, this is not the truth; the adults also indulge in online cyberbullying where they usually target the coworkers. The typical types of social media bullying include; manipulation of photos, sending unpleasant emails among many more (Lowry, 2016). Workers who are victims of bullying often record experiencing extreme stress.
Spreading untrue information; this is the other adverse effect of social media. The fake news has become common in even traditional media outlets (Lindsay, 2011). An online rumor can get started about the safety of a specific ingredient, products or food that have little bases in fact. This confusing, misleading and false online information may harm the good reputation, upset even the loyal customers and can turn away people from even buying your products.