Through my school life, I have excelled in several subjects. However, I regard music and music production as the subject that I excelled most. In high school junior year, I took “Technical Design and Product”, which was an elective class. The class gave me the ability to learn various technical aspects involved in concerts. This includes aspects like video, lighting, audio among others. As a result of that class, I have been able to excel in other music classes due to the foundation that I attained.
There are several factors that I can attribute to my success. Among them is the passion that I have when it comes to the technical aspect of producing music. Since a tender age, I have always been fascinated by how concerts appear organized. The curiosity of what goes around at the backstage makes it possible for me to grasp any piece of information that I come across. I seem to be more interested compared to other students. As a result, I end up excelling in anything that involves music and music production.
Another factor that has played a critical role in ensuring that I succeed in this subject is the environment that I grew in. My family loves music. Listening to music is like a norm within the family. It is something that takes place almost all the time. When growing up, my mom used to watch Vietnamese musical on DVD quite often. I used to be fascinated by the performances, dances and sceneries involved. How do you come up something that perfect? These were the words oscillating in my head every time I watched the DVDs. Based on this, I have always wondered if I would still have passion in music production if I had not been subjected to this environment. That is why I consider the environment that I grew in as a major contributor to how I excel in music and music production subject.
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