My Personal Life Experience

My Personal Life Experience

As once said by Christopher McCandles said, “if you want something in this life,reach out and grab it.”This is what motivated me to go to Bridge Tech Company during one of their job interview sessions. I had so much admiration for ever-changing technology. Bridge Tech Company with its swift changes inexpertise was most people’s favorite. Working with them was always a dream I wanted to achieve, and, thus, this was an opportunity for me to try my luck.

I learned of the interview a bit late, and, thus,I was not sure if I would getthere on time.I quickly organizedmy documents and rushed to Bridge Tech Limited to try my luck. Since the firm is a high security company, and nobody can beallowed in without an appointment, I requested to speak with the secretary at the receptionist desk.This is because I had not applied for the position. Thus I had no invitation to the interview. However, I presented my documents and hoped fora chance to go in for the interview, but this was not my lucky day. I was turned down. Sullen, I walked down the stairs to the exit wishing I had found out about the interview earlier. I was on the last staircase when a chandelier slipped from the electrician’s hand and headed directly onto a young child who was admiring the beauty and art of the building.

The building was under renovation, and the chandelier was going through some fixtures. Everyone on this floor was quite busy and barely noticed the danger above. I ran and pulled the little one to safety just on time. The chandelier crashed right behind us. The loud bang and the scream of the startled little girl drew everyone’s attention.I couldn’t describe the feeling inside me at that moment.Like the little girl, I was shaken but glad that she was safe, and no a single injury on her.There was applause from everyone in the room at the time of the incident, but that didn’t cheer me up at all.

Once the girl was safely backed to her mom, I walked home so disappointed for not having a chance with interviewers and locked myself up in my room till the next morning. I looked forward to a very long and dull day. I woke up early in the morning and chose to walk to school to have time to regain serenity. It was the longest, very unproductive day, and I couldn’t wait to get back home. I got back home feeling no difference from the previous evening. It was, however, my duty to check the postal box and distribute documents torespective owners in the family. I couldn’t escape my roles at home simply because I had a very dull day, so I walked to the postal box.

On this particular day, there was only one mail addressed to me. Guess where it had come from? Bridge TechLimited and the manager wanted to meet me to officially offer me a part-time job because I was still a student.I was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to majestically walk into Bridge Tech Company to become one of their own. I hadn’t met the interview nor had I dropped my application within the stipulated deadline, but at the end of a dull day,wasthe greatest news ever.This was a dream come true,which I learnt was from my actions of the previous day.  The little girl whose life I had saved was a daughter to the Chief Financial Officer of Bridge Tech Limited.

I couldn’t wait to share this great news with my family. Early, the next morning, I informed my mom to call the school tonotify them that I would be absent that day. She then drove me to Bridge Tech Company; with the broadest smile, I introduced myself to the secretary who was expecting me. She then escorted me in to the manager’s office, who congratulated me for my heroism. He later gave me anapt introduction to the company and some of the top members.

Further, I was invited to an induction meeting in the week.

Importantly, Bridge Tech offered me a scholarship for my undergraduate program. This was a lifetime opportunity, and, thus, I was ready to embrace it and do my best at Bridge Tech.With this great chance, my journey to working at something I am so passionate at began, and it has taught me a lot.When you do something you love,you even do it better. As such, from my first day at Bridge Tech Limited, I have always been so focused and ready to learn something new each day. If I had not been motivated by McCandles words to reach out and grab what I wanted in life, I would never have had this great opportunity to work with Bridge Tech Limitedand continue with my education.Since then, I have learned to act quickly and to approach even the toughest situations with so much courage and determination.

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