- Having lost the people closest to them, Mrs. Harjo and Tony could be experiencing trauma. Tony’s mother died, leaving him under the care of Mrs. Harjo, who also lost her husband five years ago. Losing a close relative in their respective development stages causes a feeling of loneliness and sadness. The manifestation of trauma in Tony is evident in his falling grades. He has no one to connect with emotionally, and his surroundings are new. This situation has made him lose concentration in class, and he fears that the team management might bar him from playing in the freshman baseball team should his performance continues to worsen. For Mrs. Harjo, the fact that she cannot get Tony’s paternity corrected after all the efforts is traumatic. This experience could remind her about Tony’s mother, Tony’s incarcerated father, and her husband, and wish they were alive to help.
- Emotional stress is inevitable to a social worker. To ensure that burnout does not lower my productivity, or affect my health, I would use two self-care techniques namely socializing and exercising. Socializing would entail talking with people on various subjects and in different settings, and hence would help me focus on other aspects of life, and clear my mind of predicaments at work. Exercising, especially aerobic exercise would help to lower tension, stabilize moods, and improve sleep.
- Currently, the criminal justice system plays a role in my client’s life in one significant way, which revolves around Tony’s biological father’s incarceration. To locate accurate and reliable information to help my client understand and navigate the justice system, I would involve the concerned professionals including the attorney, the hospital registrar, the principal, and a lawyer. Afterward, I would organize a meeting with all the experts and ensure my clients attend. Later, I would explain to my client what the criminal justice law says about the related issue, and if necessary hire a lawyer. This practice would also be aimed at ensuring that my clients do not encounter a similar legal problem in the future.
- My query concerning this case study would be, “What is the nature of the relationship between Mrs. Harjo and Tony?”
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