Movies Analysis

Movies Analysis

Question 1

The Bride as depicted in Kill Bill Vol. 1 has characteristics matching those of The Mother Heroine. One of these characteristics is her resilience determination to succeed amidst challenges. This characteristic is evidenced in the many instances that the bride survives attacks channeled towards her. For instance, The Bride survives the shooting at the church only to awaken after a four-year long coma. Still, her determination to revenge leads her to the mission of killing Bill.

In addition, The Bride has the will to protect her children just like the mother heroine would do. In fact, the conception of her child is seen as the main reason for her quitting the Viper squad. In this manner, she considers her role of giving birth more important than being in the dreaded unit.

Question 2

The film, Thelma and Louise, portrays the evidence of female outlaw trope as practiced in society. In driving the message home, the film uses the character of both Thelma and Louise to advance the perceptions of females as outlaws. Thelma, alongside her friend Louise, set off on a road trip in which they encounter a rapist ready to pounce on them. Sensing the lurking danger, Louise shoots the would-be rapist.

The actions of the two girls convict them into outlaws as they are forced to run away. The decision to run away is motivated by the fact that they would be condemned by the male dominated society. In this movie, the theme of male dominion ad the suppression of women is highlighted through these characters. For instance, they would be condemned for killing the rapist yet it was done as a protective measure and in self defense. The woman is expected to yield to the demands of men but punished when she forfeits the same.

Question 3

The concept of hegemonic masculinity as advanced by Connell is the current ideology of pacifying men’s dominance in society and the suppression of women (Connell & James, p. 831). The concept describes the various reasons that render men more dominant in terms of social roles over women. The concept disagrees with the traditional sex role theory by trying to focus on different masculinities. Ideally, the males detest roles that are considered feminine such as homosexuality.

The film, 300, is one of the best examples of the concept of hegemonic masculinity. In the film, boys and men that do not use serious force of violence are considered womanly. As the movie starts, the narrator averts that only the hard and strong can be called Spartans clearly portraying the level of hegemonic masculinity in society. In addition, men who have abnormal physical traits such as Ephialtes are excluded from the masculine society despite their attempts to be involved in the war.

Question 4

The final girl is a trope used in horror films such as Halloween and Alien.  One of the characteristics of this trope is that she is the last woman standing and confronts the killer. In addition, the final girl normally survives the challenges and lives to tell the story. Ideally, therefore, the final girl is the story teller or the protagonist in any horror film.

The film, Halloween, rightly characterizes the last girl as Laurie.  In the film, Michael, the boogeyman is involved in a spate of killings and murders most of Laurie’s friends. Although initially in disapproval of the killings, Laurie confirms that it is Michael killing her friends. Laurie depicts the characteristics of a final girl since she survives Michael’s attacks on her, albeit having lost her hand. She stabs Michael several times eventually killing him. Her survival also means that she is the story teller in the films.


Works cited

Connell, Robert W., and James W. Messerschmidt. “Hegemonic masculinity rethinking the concept.” Gender & society 19.6 (2005): 829-859.



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