Mass Communication and Society Annotated Bibliography

Poulakidakos, Stamatis, Veneti, Anastasia, & Fangonikolopoulos. (2018).  Post-truth, propaganda and the transformation of the spiral of silence. International  Journal of Media & Cultural Politics. 9/1/2018, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p367-382. 16p. DOI: 10.1386/macp.14.3.367_1. The author argues in favor of propaganda and not true. The articles contend that information management in modern societies on expounding and disseminating information from the custodians to effectively influencecultural, political and social issues.Also, the authorbelieves the propaganda about the use of mass impacts public behavior and minds through psychological appeals. The role of new media, for instance, the internet has enhanced subjective interpretation of issues, besides making verification of information impractical. According to the author, post-truths implies assemblage of facts, rumors of statements, statements, and rumors, information, and predictions of the future. The author concludes that post-truths may refer to propaganda practiced primarily, however, not wholly, considering adapted contemporary, multifaceted and interactive communication setting.

Bogle, L. L. (2017). Pandering the Crowd: The American Governing during the Ninetieth Century. Elite’s Changing views on Publicity and Mass Media Journalism History. Summer2017, Vol. 43 Issue 2, p62-74. 13p.The author makes an inquiry into the middle-class and upper-class Americans rejection of the use of public relations schemes during the Gilded Age. The middle and the upper- class perceive the use of public relations impracticalsince mass media fails in “information role.” Individuals in elite class view the strategy “cheap sensations, mere objectionable and hypocritical.”According to the elite author, class pays little attention to the stunt.

Mircica, & Nela. (2017). Mass Media Coverage and Political Communication Channels in Ethical Democracies. Annals of Spiru Haret University, Journalism Studies. 2017, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p43-49. 7p. Mircica finds out the ethical implications of mass media in relaying political information. Compared to the Aristotelian conception, solving all life problems require morals.Moreover, the article contends to Kant’s point of view which consider values and essential in the course of social life they offer individual freedom and creativity. Ethics and morals influence informed choice. Researchers observe that media forms the basis of political messages.

Förster & Schlehe. (2017). Passages of culture: Media and medially in African societies.  Journal of African Media Studies. Mar2017, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p3-15. 13p. DOI: 10.1386/jams.9.1.3_1. The author explores how African cultures advance under new media influence. The author points to the anticipated diminishingmodes of oral communication with the advent of new media and education. The research explored two perspectives; phenomenological focused on perceptions and societal beliefs changing with changes in media.In conclusion, new media in Africa impact on curiosity thus the transformation

Bengtsson & Bengt.(2018). “Media Micro-Generations” How New Technologies Change Our Media Morality. NORDICOM Review. 2018, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p95-110. 16p. 3 Charts, 2 Graphs. DOI: 10.2478/nor-2018-0014. The authors explore truth in the notion of “media Micro-generation” and how new technologies change media morality. The article concludes that rapid media transformations reshape morality of a smaller group.

Andresen, Hoxha, & Godole. (2017). New Roles for Media in the Western Balkans. Journalism  Studies. May 2017, Vol. 18 Issue 5, p614-628. Andresen, Hoxha, and Jonila make an inquiry into new roles for media in the Western Balkans.  Focusing on how journalists in Western Balkans report events related to politics. The article found that journalist in Western Balkans appears to have broader roles compared to individuals in other western nations.

Marinescu, V. (2018).  Violence Against Children in Romanian Media.  Annals of Spiru Haret University, Journalism Studies. 2018, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p10-19. 10p. Marinescu study ways media images influence thoughts about violence against children. The research indicates that the Romanian press publicized the social problem of violence against children from a crime frame. The article calls for a change in Romanian media coverage against children violence.

Kwame, E. A. (2019). Public Relations Capitalism: Promotional Culture, Publics, and Commercial Democracy. Mass Communication and Society Journal. Dol: 10. 1080/ 15205436.2019.1565516. The author argues in favor of strict public relations and promotional culture.  Concerned with commercialized democracy within neoliberal capitalism the article require to focus on public relations.  The article argues in favor of a belief that the commercialized democracy demoralizes citizens. Commercialized democracy threatens cultural evolution, which requires public relations to bridge.

Non-Academic Journals

Sumiala, J. (2019). The Mourning News: Reporting Violent Death in a Global Age. Mass Communication and Society Journal. Dol: 10. 1080/15205436.2019.1565517. Sumiala concentrated on the new research regarding media and death. The author appreciates the enormous courage of death. The author concludes by recommending a study on global journalism and mass-death events in the present age.


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