Marijuana a Social Problem


Marijuana, popularly known as pot, weed, bhang, reefer, buds or smoke, is one of the most abused drugs in America. It is taken either by smoking or taking it in food. It is prudent to note that this substance has a high content of THC, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the most psychoactive compound in the substance. Over the years, Americans have been in a continuous debate on whether or not they should be allowed to grow freely, distribute and consume marijuana. Each group is passionate and strongly supports their position. For instance, proponents of marijuana legalization cite its high medicinal value as a valid reason marijuana should be legalized in all states of America (Arbour-Nicitopoulos et al.). Nevertheless, it is imperative to note that the drug is quite addictive, and its demerits outweigh its merits. Previous studies show that frequent marijuana smokers are likely to cause economic and social problems in the society than those who do not smoke marijuana. In essence, marijuana is a social issue and should be criminalized to ensure that marijuana is a thing of the past in the United States.

Origin of the problem

Marijuana consumption in the United States has a long history. Most Americans today are addicts of marijuana, and consequently, the country is popularly referred to as a ‘’weed’’ nation. The increased consumption of the substance is as a result of the legalization process of cannabis in most states of America. It is prudent to note that at least four states in America have legalized pot for recreational purpose. Additionally, further 19 states have legalized marijuana for its medicinal value.  These practices will only make the marijuana consumption an integral part of the American culture. Considering its prevalence in the modern society, it’s only wise to conclude that the marijuana consumption has been part of American culture for ages. Although it’s not an American indigenous crop, its popularity within the states has been on the rise over the years and is now deeply rooted.

It is imperative to point out that the popularity of hemp in America is purely due to its medicinal and recreational value. The plant has been used for medical reasons since the 18th century to date. However, the introduction of smokeable cannabis on the American soil is traced back to the American revolution of 1910-1911. As the number of refugees resulting from the revolution increased, they brought smokeable weed with them. Cannabis smoking was more prevalent in Latin America, and these refugees spread the concept to other parts of America. The immigrants fleeing the violence were responsible for cannabis, especially in Texas.  It was initially thought to be a problem for the immigrants but later spread to all the Americans.  Even in the states where marijuana has not been legalized, its use is also significantly high. Drug trafficking is a real menace in America and marijuana forms one of the most sold products in the black market. The high prices fetched by its sale have attracted more smugglers who ensure that there is a stable supply of the drug in restricted states (Arbour-Nicitopoulos et al.). Legalization of marijuana in some states and criminalizing it in others has been the main reason that marijuana use in America has expanded all over America. In essence, marijuana in the United States was purely for medical purposes but has later developed to a recreational drug.  The use of marijuana for the recreational purpose has been the primary cause of social problems experienced in America today.

Marijuana a social problem

As aforementioned, marijuana use has been one of the leading causes of economic and social problem in the modern American society. The addictive nature of the substance has been the primary cause of the major issues that affect the social life of most Americans. To start with, students who smoke marijuana are likely to get lower grades than those who do not smoke marijuana. In worst cases, most of the school drop outs in America are marijuana addicts. This is as a result of the high level of memory impairment and decreased the level of attention associated with marijuana smoking. Previous research indicates that critical skills related to attention, memory and learning of students are significantly impaired even in instances where the victim did not smoke within 24 hours. Also, it has been alleged that people under the influence of marijuana functions at a reduced intellectual level all the time and hence their academic performance could be hampered by the marijuana use.  If this is the case, a student who smokes daily will have even more adverse effects and consequently low performance or ultimate discontinuation with learning.

Although low performance or causes of school dropout may be seen as personal problems, a broader look at the concept proves otherwise. This implies that the dropouts will leave a lot of school fees unused despite the efforts of their parents to give them the necessary education. Besides wastage of resources, the dropouts are likely to influence a number of students too and make the literacy level in the society undesirable. Moreover, the school dropouts are likely to engage in antisocial behavior that will have adverse effects on the peaceful co-existence of the American society. It is prudent to note that it’s a significant challenge for people with no formal education qualification to get formal employment. With this in mind, most of these school dropouts will engage in criminal activities such as robbery to sustain their lives. It is also worth to point out that due to the addictive nature of the drugs, the victims must do anything within their powers to ensure that they afford to buy the substance. This implies that they will have to disturb others in the society to sustain the urge to smoke more marijuana. Besides robbery, other antisocial behaviors such as rape and murder will also tend to increase as the number of addicts and school dropout increases.  This explains the increasing cases of robbery in some states such as Alabama where the rate of school dropouts and marijuana consumption is high.

Even if, by any chance, that these drug addicts complete the formal schooling and get employed, they are likely to have more problems in the workplace as compared to non-smokers. As aforementioned, marijuana smoking is responsible for low concentration and will consequently lead to low productivity from the employee. Also, marijuana smoking is associated with increased absenteeism, tardiness and high rate of turnover. It is wise to note that most of these addicts must spare time to satisfy their urge and will consequently spend time that was supposedly for the job to attend to their personal needs. The relationship between the addicts and non-addicts is also likely to get sour. Most drug addicts are often emotional and may fail to control their emotions. In such instances, it is probable that the workplace conflicts will tend to increase substantially (JANCIN). Continuous workplace conflicts will lead not only to economic problems but also social problems. The lack of control prevalent amongst the drug dealers may result in accidents in the workplace and consequently, have adverse effects on the overall social life of the employees.

The ultimate result of continuous workplace conflicts is work termination. It is imperative noting that employers will not wait until the addicts ruin their businesses and will have no option but to terminate services of the users rendering them jobless. This will be a beginning of financial difficulties since they will not be able to sustain their families nor satisfy their addiction. This will consequently lead to increased antisocial behavior that will have adverse effects on the society.  The financial constraints will lead to increased cases of stealing, repeated lying and also relationship troubles. For instance, if a family man is unable to sustain the family needs, there are high chances that cases of domestic violence and abuse will increase. There are also great chances that children born of marijuana addicts will not get the basic education like their counterparts from drug-free families. Lack of basic education implies that these kids will not get formal employment and consequently will lead to a vicious cycle of poverty. Such children are also likely to engage in drug and substance abuse and hence persistence of the social problem.

Another reason marijuana abuse is a social issue in America is the fact that most of the marijuana addicts are violent. It is imperative to point out that most marijuana users have impaired judgment and also experience cognitive decline. As a result, most of the addicts are violent and aggressive. Most antisocial and deviant behaviors in the society are to a great extent associated with substance abuse. It is nevertheless reasonable understanding that most of the criminal cases in the United States are marijuana-related (Abdollahi and Abu Talib). Previous studies assert that more than 60% of the people arrested for illegal activities in the United States are usually marijuana users. Also, studies have confirmed that persistence use of marijuana may alter the nervous system, and this will consequently promote violent behaviors. It has been noted that most of the violent cities where robbery and murder cases are rampant is where marijuana use is at its peak. For instance, in Los Angeles, police reports indicates clubs that are surrounded with marijuana experience extreme cases of robberies, burglaries, aggravated assaults among other forms of crimes. It is prudent to note that these violent conduct and antisocial behaviors are the cause of nuisance to the neighborhoods. This is clear indication that if marijuana use is legalized in all states, then the whole of America would be prone to violent behavior.

It is also worth noting that increased use of marijuana leads to increased addiction. Most marijuana users will tend to feel that the intoxication from the substance is not ‘’good’’ enough and may opt to get to other harder drugs. The increased use of other hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine will only make the matters worse both at individual and social level.  Some of these drugs are more dangerous and leads to more antisocial behaviors such as murder, robbery and burglary that inhibit social peace. It has been proved that most of the people arrested due to other hard drugs started with marijuana. It has therefore been confirmed that marijuana is a starter drug and has been a gateway to other hard drugs that have had adverse effects on the American community.

Most proponents of marijuana use argue that the substance has great medicinal value and, therefore, should be legalized. However, this is not the case since the health problems emerging from marijuana use outweighs the medical advantages. The recreational marijuana is known to have both physical and psychological health risks that pause great social challenge to the Americas. To begin with, marijuana is known to have adverse psychological effects on the victims. There have been reported cases where marijuana victims suffer from hallucinations and other forms of mental torture. Depression is also another common occurrence amongst the victims of substance abuse. People suffering from depression will not be able to support their families financially and morally. Besides, such conditions will also have effects on the lives of other members of the family as well as the society as a whole. It is prudent noting that increased depression may eventually lead to madness. In such instances, the victim will be dependent on the family members and the society for survival.

It is also prudent to note that marijuana use is also responsible for several heart diseases. Empirical studies have shown that smoking weed can increase a person’s heart rate as much as two times for up to three hours. This explains why there are several cases of heart attacks to victims of marijuana abuse (Travis and Edwards). The increased heart rate can also lead to increased blood loss in the event of injuries or affect the blood pressure in different ways. In some instances, marijuana smoking can also have adverse effects on the blood sugar. All these are health concerns that can be fatal if they fail to be addressed in time. Deaths from such health conditions have left several families without breadwinners and thus having an undesirable social life.

Also, the high content of THC in marijuana has several health risks since it remains in the body for longer periods. This high content and some substance of the marijuana smoke are also said to be a leading cause of lung cancer. It also explains why most of the marijuana smokers are in constant coughs and always suffers from lung-related health problems like chest colds and lung infections. The degree to which marijuana is smoking causes lung damage is five times more than that resulting from normal tobacco. This explains why most people engaged in marijuana smoking suffer from inflammation of the respiratory tract. Most of these illnesses are terminal, especially cancer, and eventually kills. This implies that the disease will spend most of the household income and leave the affected family poor and without the breadwinner. Most of the children will be orphans thus placing the extra burden to the community. The affected families may also suffer from depression and eventually end up being drug addicts.

Marijuana, just like other drugs, is known to have adverse effects on the human brain. Studies have indicated that heavy marijuana smoking can lead to brain abnormalities. There has also been a noted relationship between heavy marijuana use and psychosis. Most marijuana smokers will always suffer from hallucinations and delusions, and the problem is much greater if the victim starts smoking weed at an early age (JANCIN). Previous studies have also cited some relationship between marijuana smoking and relapse especially on people who have previously shown signs of schizophrenia and in extreme cases the repercussions would be fatal. It should be noted that the affected people remain dependent on the other family members or the society as a whole. Victims of brain such abnormalities will end up causing harm to themselves or other members of the community thus making the situation even worse.

As aforementioned, marijuana use has for a long time associated with domestic violence and abuse. According to previous researches conducted on animals, cannabis can disrupt sperm production in males and ovulation in females. As a result, a correlation between low libido/fertility and marijuana smoking is evident. This implies that family that is deeply rooted in marijuana smoking may not be able to reproduce. Children are source of happiness in any family unit or the community, and lack of children may be genesis of domestic violence. Self-esteem may also be very low in couples who do not have children since they may be despised by the society. Although it may be viewed as a personal issue, the weight of the matter affects the whole community.

It is also imperative to note that cannabis has adverse effects on pregnant mothers. It is argued that marijuana smoking by pregnant woman may adversely affect the unborn baby. From the previous studies, it is evident that use of cannabis affects the development of the unborn child. Also, there are high chances that expectant mothers who are marijuana victims may be victims of premature births. This poses a great threat to the life of the unborn child as well as that of the mother. Lack of procreation in a community is a primary concern, and every community will always strive to ensure that there is the perpetual sustainability of the community. With this in mind, it is now clear that the issue of newborn in a society is not a personal issue but rather a collective concern for the whole community.

It is also prudent to note that the cost of treating these illnesses is quite high. The United States government is spending a substantial amount of resources in treating the addicts and in the fight against drug abuse. These amounts of funds can be used for other development reasons such as infrastructure improvement and improving the health standards of the American people. It is also prudent to note that the government also spends substantially in correcting of the antisocial behavior and other criminal activities. The courts, prisons and law enforcing agencies have been spending a substantial amount of the country’s economy that would otherwise be put in other better use.

There has also been a concern regarding marijuana use and driving. Public safety is a fundamental issue amongst the Americans and thus makes it essential to understand marijuana effects on road safety. From the studies, it has been proved that most of the accidents happening on American roads have some relations with increased marijuana smoking in the states. From the previous analysis, it is clear that marijuana smoking leads to impaired judgment (Abdollahi and Abu Talib). This implies that drivers under the influence of marijuana may not be able to make informed decisions during driving and consequently result in unnecessary deaths. The number of fatalities resulting from road accidents is more in areas where cannabis is legalized than in those areas where it is prohibited.  It is, therefore, prudent that America as a society engage in a collective responsibility of ensuring that marijuana abuse becomes a thing of the past.

Besides being the cause of violent behaviors in the society, marijuana smoking is also associated with different forms of nonviolent criminal and delinquent behavior. Previous studies have associated marijuana smoking with impaired judgment, distortion of reality and decreased the sense of social and personal responsibility. It is prudent to note that most of the marijuana victims will always be under the influence and can engage in non-violent conduct. This is prevalent amongst the teenagers who will always be tempted to snatch handbags from the locals as well as engaging in low profile robbery. Also, other forms of crimes such as trafficking and money laundering have also been accelerated by increased use of recreational marijuana. Unlike other drugs, the use of marijuana has been cited as the leading cause of undesirable and antisocial behaviors amongst the Americans. This has consequently affected the social life of most Americans and calls for an immediate remedy to the menace.

What should be done

It is evident that the use of marijuana is a leading social problem among the Americans and consumption of marijuana for any purpose should be prohibited.  Besides the health complications on the victims, the use of marijuana has had other economic and social issue. It is, therefore, a collective responsibility that all Americans should take part in the eradication of the menace. Although the government has the overall responsibility of curbing the menace, the general public has a role in ensuring that marijuana use is reduced to manageable levels. For instance, the use of marijuana is prevalent among the teenagers. It is, therefore, the responsibility of all the parents to sensitize their children to both the short term and long term effects of marijuana. Also, it should be the policy of all the schools to ensure that they sensitize the learners on the harmful effects associated with marijuana use. Such policies will ensure that children brought up in the society will be wary of the adverse effects, and consequently, fewer people will be users of marijuana as they grow up.

In addition, nongovernmental organizations have the responsibility of introducing drug prevention programs across all the states. These programs should focus on strengthening communities and target risk factors that are associated with drug and substance abuse.  It is essential that these programs target the teens to ensure a firm foundation for the American population. It is the role of the community to help parents, teachers and other stakeholders in bringing up teenagers that meet social expectations (Leon-Guerrero). Nevertheless, these programs should start early enough to ensure that the problem is addressed early enough before it gets out of hand.

On the other hand, the relevant government authorities should also be in the forefront to ensure that use of cannabis in America is prohibited. Legalization of marijuana use in some states has accelerated the use of marijuana in different states of America. It should, therefore, be a prerogative of the government to reduce the use of marijuana even for medicinal reasons (Travis and Edwards). This is because most people have abused the privilege and consequently engage in marijuana smoking for recreation purpose. The legislative organs should put in place laws that put zero tolerance policies on marijuana use. All offenders of drug-related crimes should be subjected to harsh sentences and punishments. It is clear that the benefits derived from marijuana use are to a great extent outweighed by the demerits and consequently it’s viable to criminalize any form of marijuana use, even for medical purposes (Abdollahi and Abu Talib). The health risks brought about by use of marijuana have a more adverse effect compared to the therapeutic value present in the plant. Most of the illegal trade involving sale marijuana has been facilitated by the legalization of medical marijuana. It is, therefore, essential that the government of United States should ban marijuana use in all the states to ensure that war against drug abuse becomes a success. In essence, the fight against the social problem resulting from the use of marijuana is a collective responsibility of every American and every individual should ensure that they play their role in eradicating the vice.


In a nutshell, marijuana smoking has become a part of the American culture. As a result, it has become a social problem that every American should be concerned and work tirelessly towards ensuring a marijuana free America. The problem has an extensive history and thus making it difficult to deal with the menace.  Nevertheless, the social issue that emerges from the use of marijuana makes it a serious problem and only through criminalizing the use of the substance that the problem will be fully eradicated.  It is essential to note that the problem has gradually spread in almost all the states over the years (Leon-Guerrero). Legalization of marijuana use for medical reasons is the reason behind the spreading, and therefore, government and other policy makers should reconsider the position and deal with the issue once and for all. The number of illegal drugs is many, and marijuana should not be an exception since it has equally adverse repercussions.


Work cited

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