“Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities” is an article written by Claire V Brisson. The primary objective of the paper was to analyze the similarities of the various transition and change models that have been created over time that assist and support changes in an organization. The purpose of this paper is relevant to the day to day activities of an organization. Changes in an organization are necessary, but it is challenging to adapt to the changes. This article can help an organization to adapt to change effectively. The primary purpose of this critique will be to identify, evaluate and respond to the ideas of the author on managing changes and transitions.
Elements of change
There are various changes that an organization has to go through over time. Let us look at a few;
Organization-wide va
riation is a change that affects the whole organization. It could be a restructuring of the leadership, introducing new policies or adding a new enterprise. All employees feel such changes. This change needs to be well planned and carried out with precision. Poorly planned changes can result in full consequences across the company.
Transformational change
refers type of change targets the organizational strategy of the organization. It can be caused by the social climate, cultural trends and the technological process. Beckhard model can be applied in this element of change.
Personnel Change
occurs when the organization is mass hiring or laying off its staff. This kind of change like other causes a significant difference in the morale of the employees as well as their engagement. This type of change would require Lewin’s change management model. This model helps the organization to prepare for the changes that are about to happen.
Unplanned change
Some events happen to the organization that is unexpected and can lead to unforeseen changes. While the organization cannot predict the unforeseen modifications, they can be dealt in an organized manner.
Leader vision plays a significant role in the change management strategy. For a change to be successfully implemented, there must be a picture of the desirable future. A leader vision gives the organization a corporate sense of enduring the purpose of the change. Without a good leader vision, the efforts to bring change can lead to confusion that can take the organization in the wrong direction. The leader should communicate and engage the employees during the changes in the organization.
There are various ways effective changes initiatives can affect the performance. One is by ensuring that the employees are satisfied. Satisfaction of employees in an organization boosts their morale and engagement. They usually work hard towards the goal of the organization. It helps the organization as it increases its productivity. Another way of boosting the performance of the organization through changes initiatives is by creating teams. Teamwork is essential as it encourages the creativity and productivity of the employees.
Leadership styles and models of change.
Leadership style is an approach that a leader uses to give direction, implement plans and motivate his subjects. Leadership styles are fundamental during an organizational change.
Participative style the leader involves the employees to take part in the decision making process. This style can be compared to the Thurley change model where one of the five strategies is bargaining. The employer shares his power with the employee since the change needs negotiation, compromise, and agreement.
Authoritarian style is where a leader tells the employees what to do without getting their advice (Sadler, 2018). This style can be compared to Lewin models of change. The leader resolves and is committed to bringing the changes regardless of the inconveniences that come about.
The delegation approach allows the leader to take the advice of the employees, but his decision is the final one (Nancy Settle-Murphy, 2017). This approach can be compared to the Bechard model. The staff can work together to plan and implement changes using the model.
Nancy Settle-Murphy, N. (2017). Leadership Styles. New Hampshire: Skillsoft Corporation.
Sadler, P. (2018). Leadership agility: developing your repertoire of leadership styles. London: Routledge, co.