Making Ethical Decisions

Making Ethical Decisions

When a company faces a moral or ethical dilemma, it forces them to weigh the benefits of the decision made on a person or group and the negative effects of the same decisions of other persons. Therefore, the following are ways Sandwich Blitz can influence their ethics environment. First, the company can decide on evaluating their ethical climate. Also, Sandwich Blitz can evaluate their decision-making process basing their concepts on what is right and wrong for the business. Some of the measures that can provide a positive ethical climate in a business include; the company should establish global standards of behavior, and this will prevent some of the ethical problems that frequently occur in a business. The ethical problems include money laundering and conflict of interest.

Second, the company can give emphasis to the danger signs. Organizations always face an ongoing challenge when trying to maintain the consistency of the employees’ ethical behaviors. Some of the danger signs that Sandwich Blitz should look at include situation when an organization fails to establish written codes of ethics, quick fix solutions and lacking a clear process for handling ethical issues. Other danger signs include excessive emphasis by the company over their short-term goals over long-term plans and the concerns for public relations or legalities. Lastly, the company can develop written ethic codes and corporate standards. The ethic codes should be short and simple so that the employees can understand and remember. Similarly, it should focus on real life circumstances, and this will allow the employees to relate the situation.

Ethical decisions made by the management involve processes. However, Sandwich Blitz will have to consider the following process when making ethical decisions. First, the company will consider the moral awareness. It entails realizing the issue under consideration portrays some ethical implications. Second, the company will make a moral judgment. It involves knowing actions that are morally defensible. Therefore, the company will make a judgment on the decisions outlined keeping in mind activities that they can defend easily. The third process involves moral character. It requires that when decisions are made, the company should consider its strength and persistent and follow the company’s acts. They should do so despite the many challenges they face.

The corporate social responsibility encompasses the activities or obligations of the company or business towards the society. Therefore, a company that is socially responsible to the community will have to maximize the benefits to the society and minimize the negative effects (Bateman, & Snell, 2012). The modern workplace has to value the diversity of the business. Valuing diversity entails making decisions, developing attitudes and procedures that enhance equality treatment to employees regardless of the gender group, culture, and other aspects. The company should be fair and objective when carrying out its obligations. The company can show its true picture of corporate social responsibilities, by creating a desirable environment conducive to the community, and also that can support local recruiting. On the shareholders side, the company should use minimal resources to maximize the value of their shareholders. For example, it can minimize the resources on real estate, and this will have an effect on the usage of water and energy. Similarly, the company can look at its governance in this case; it should adopt policies that will support a healthy relationship and productive working environment.

Also, the company should employ diversity. It will involve accommodating a variety of working styles and functions. Therefore, such changes will be implemented through setting flexible work environment, improvement in technology, furniture and training of the employees. Lastly, the products such as furniture, building materials and other being offered in the working place should be safe and non-toxic. The products that cannot be recycled should be reused.



Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. (2012). M: Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.

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