Even though the race-associated differences in the health outcomes are usually documented on a routine basis in this country, they are poorly explained in most of the parts. Most of the scientists either restrict their studies to one racial group or adjust for a specific race. Instead of vigorously exploring the basis for differences in the race Investigations hypothesize that associated race inferences in the health outcomes areas result of racists. The historical injustice in the United States has contributed significantly to the association between social, economic status and race. Basically, there are three levels of racism which include institutionalized racism, personally mediated racism, and internalized racism
Instuitutionaluizated racism can broadly be defined as the differential access to the services goods and opportunities of the society ion the basis of one’s race. The type of racism is normative, has an inherent disadvantage and sometimes legalized. It is codified with our institution’s customs, law and practices hence embedding it within the structure. It is usually perpetrated as a result of inaction mostly in times of need. This kind of racism can manifest itself in the form of material conditions and access to power. Some of the examples of how it can display in material conditions include the difference in access to quality education, gainful employment, sound housing, clean environment as well as appropriate medical facilities. On the other hand, it can manifest in the form of access to power through the difference in the access of information, wealth, resources and organizational infrastructure. Institutional racism s the leading cause of the association between social, economic status and race in the United States.
The other level of racism is personally mediated racism. This form of racism can be defined as discrimination and prejudice. Prejudice is the differential assumptions about the abilities, intentions, and motives of others according to their race. On the other hand, discrimination refers to the differential actions towards others according to their competition. In most cases, racism is associated with discrimination. Personally mediated racism can be unintentional as well as intentional, including the acts of commission as well as those of omissions. This form of racism can manifest itself in the form of lack of respect, suspicion devaluation a well as dehumanization. Examples of this kind of racism include sterilized abuse, hate crimes, and speeches, police brutality, everyday avoidance, purse-clutching surprise at competence, as well as scapegoating.
The third level of racisms is internalized racism. This form of racism is defined as acceptance by members of particular stigmatized races of negative messages about their abilities, and intrinsic worth. This is a level of racism which is characterized by members’ inability to believe in themselves but rather believing in other people who are like them. It is a form of racism where one accepts the limitations in one’s humanity which includes one’s spectrum of dreams, one’s rage of allowable self-expression and as well as ones right to self-determination. It incorporates the use of whiteness self-devaluation, resignation, helplessness, and hopelessness. This is manifested through the use of hair straighteners, use of bleaching creams, dropping out of school, stratification by skin color, failing to vote and engaging in risky and unhealthy health practices.
It’s very crucial that society understands the three levels of racism. Surprisingly, these levels of racisms have grown to become part of your lives, and we have lived to embrace them either knowingly or unknowingly. It’s therefore essential that everyone should be ready to welcome actions intended to eliminate the above levels of racism.
Jones, C. P. (2000). Levels of racism: a theoretic framework and a gardener’s tale. American journal of public health, 90(8), 1212.