Lesson Plan Example


Speaking focus:
Class/Level: M 4.
 Date: …../……/…….
Topic: Making or cancelling Doctor’s Appointment
Objectives:By the end of the lesson learners will be able to 1.Make a phone or spoken appointment with a doctor using the new language.
2. Negotiate for the most appropriate time and date when making an appointment.
3. Ask for medical help using the new language.
1.      Pens or pencils and paper.
2.      Black/white board and chalk/markers.
3.      Calendar.
Teacher’s name :


Stage Timing Interaction Procedure

(Introduce the lesson and set the context)
















Open class with the critical sentences that must be committed to memory for use if necessary. Have students write these down and practice saying them in the new language. Review the statements written by students at unanticipated times throughout the lesson.



(Clarify the meaning, form & pronunciation of new language)






10 Mins






Remind students how to speak about dates and times and allow them a little practice time. You can also provide them with some structures how to ask and answer questions about availability in the new language. Explain the meaning of the new words learned.





Controlled practice

(Check understanding & provide controlled practice of new language)





10 Mins   Have the learners practice each dialogue aloud with a partner using the new language.  Practice pronunciation.  Have the students change the dialogue by changing the symptoms, times, or vocabulary using the learned language.  Ask more advanced students to add to the conversation.

Get the students into negotiation i.e. finding a date, a time and a place that is mutually agreeable to all parties involved in the new language. Discuss how negotiation works with two friends, and provide some language suggestions for negotiating.




Freer practice

(Provide speaking practice with some structure)




10 Mins   Introduce the students to the prospect of making appointments over the phone, and learning the various appointment types. Brainstorm with your students the various types of appointments one can make with a doctor.



(Provide Ss with opportunity to personalize the new language)



10 Mins   Put the students into small groups and give them several scenarios. Provide some examples on a worksheet or on the board as prompts and have them role play phone and in-person appointment setting. These may include symptoms of a disease, with descriptions in the new language.




Lesson evaluation




5 Mins


Ask students review questions on the use of the critical words in the new language they are learning. Pretend to be a doctor and have some students make an appointment with you. Also, practice phone appointments with the students to evaluate their understanding of the process using the language.






……………………………………………….. Teacher










Head of Foreign Language Department


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