- Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
- To understand more about bats.
- Define and understand different vocabularies from the readings
- Relate the life of a bat to the daily aspects of life.
- Understand the intention of the author while writing the book.
- Understand the moral teachings derived from the book.
- Materials need
Every student will be required to have:
- A copy of the book
- Going Batty vocabulary cards.
- Going Batty KWL chart.
- Going Batty activity menu
- Stationary materials such as pens, rubber and papers
- A plain paper
- A cutting material such as razor or scissors
- Coloring materials
- Procedure
Before reading the book
- With the help of the teacher, students will review the title of the book. Students can be divided into groups where they will discuss their views on the title of the book. After discussions, students will be required to present their findings in class and the teacher will lead the analysis procedure.
- Every student to get KWL charts and make a KWL chart on chart paper or on the board. This will be done in groups to ensure interactive sessions among the students.
- Every student will have an opportunity to write down what they know about bats. This will help create a picture of what they expect once they commence reading.
- Record sample responses from the students on the classroom chart for comparison and analysis.
- Now give the students an opportunity to write their stand and know how about what they want to know about bats.
- Post some student’s concerns on the classroom chart. This will help students understand and differentiate between myths and facts in regard to bats.
- Introduce vocabulary words and definitions to make the reading process easy and enjoyable to the students. Students to have an opportunity to define different terminologies with the help of the teacher.
- Students to take moment to write why they think the author wrote the book. The teacher to offer guidance through his process. It is also recommendable to engage group work in setting the purpose for reading the book.
Reading activities
- Every student to be given an opportunity to read a paragraph of the book. Teacher’s guidance will be required to ensure that every student gets a chance.
- All students to read the book and ensure that you stop and add the information that is being learned to the classroom chart. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and fill along in their individual charts.
After reading activities
- After reading, every student to be given an opportunity to retell the main events of the story. This can be done in groups and each group makes presentation to the class.
- Have the students explain their stand about their favorite part of the story.
- The teacher to offer guidance to students to complete the question portion of the students’ charts using information from the classroom chart or information they remember. Conduct an assessment on whether or not the book has answered several unanswered questions posed by the students.
- Application activities
- a) New book cover
- Every student to fold a sheet of paper twice so that it resembles like a book cover.
- On the front, write the title and author of the reading.
- After this, the student will offer a drawing and color a picture of a scene from the text. This will help the teacher identify the most interesting scene in the book.
- On the inside, the students are expected to summarize the book.
- b) Favorite part
- Every student to draw and color a picture of his/her eye catching part of the text.
- In addition to drawing and coloring the favorite part, the students will also be required to give a small explanation about why the chosen part is favorite to them.
- c) Picture walk
- Students to divide their papers into four sections.
- Label the sections as first, next, then and last in the different sections of the divisions.
- Students to draw and color picture of what happened first, next then and last in the story.
- d) Create a new page
- Students to think of an idea of a new page you could add to the book.
- Students to Draw and color the picture of the new idea
- Below the drawing, each student to have a chance to write a small description of what is happening.
- e) Letter to Ms. Frizzle
- Every student to write a letter to Ms. Frizzle telling her what they liked about the field trip.
- Evaluation
- Students to have an open session to discuss questions from one another
- The teacher to formulate several questions and give to students for discussion
- Take home assignments for the students. Answers to be discussed and analyzed in class
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