Learning more About Life in America

Learning more About Life in America

To learn more about life in America, I decided to interview my friend Emily Bowen who is an American citizen. Since we are not close for a one on one interview, I requested to interview her via the phone, and she accepted.


Me: Hello, Good morning Bowen

Bowen: Good morning

Me: Tell me about your typical day to day life in America

Bowen: My daily life is under a very tight schedule. Life in America is not accessible due to bills hence I have to work extra harder.

Me: What exactly do you do?

Bowen: On weekdays, I attend classes in the morning hours where I am taking my postgraduate studies in agricultural economics, in the afternoon I go to my farm since I love farming.

Me: How does farming business do in America?

Bowen: Pretty well compared too many investments. Most people of the young generation in this region don’t love farming so for us in the field we maximise the opportunity.


Me: What kind of farming are you doing?

Bowen: Production of animal feeds. With an increase in population and reduced land size for animal feeds, I saw an investment opportunity.

Me: Do you own the land

Bowen: No, owning land in most areas in America is very expensive so I get land on lease mostly for five years.

Me: Do you think American politics has an impact on your business or other businesses?

Bowen: To some extent yes. In farming, I used to depend mostly on cheap labour from foreigners. But currently the government is against foreign workers, and it’s expensive to hire American citizens.

Me: Why did you take the option of being self-employed? Is getting employment hard in America

Bowen: Not really, if     I compare it with other places in the world, I guess it’s much better. But for me, I prefer self-employment due to flexibility.

Me: Thank you.

Bowen: Welcome.


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