Leadership Development

Some leaders feel the most critical factor is the well-being of the weak and the incapable people in society (Reynolds, McCauley & Tsacoumis, 2018). This type of belief is based on the strong feeling to help the weak people such as the physically disabled, the orphans and the old. However, it is important to realize that there are many such people in society. The number of people who deserves help is growing each day due to the harsh economic situations of the capitalistic society. The number of people considered as weak and incapable is huge as you can never imagine. Therefore, instead of thinking about the well-being of the vulnerable and those who are incapable, there is need to do more than putting more emphasis on their well-being. For instance, leaders should look at the factors that contribute to the growing number of the weak and the incapable in society.

Therefore, the best ways to develop leaders who hold similar opinion include initiating a debate where people can share their views about the issues that affect the weak and the incapable in the society (Reynolds, McCauley & Tsacoumis, 2018). It is the debate that can broaden the understanding of such leaders to look at the bigger picture as opposed to the simple act of generosity. Remember not a single person can look at the well-being of millions of people who are incapable of meeting their basic needs in society. It is the formulation of proper public policies that can promote the welfare and the well-being of the weak and the incapable in society. It is not essential to sympathize with the weak because an act of sympathy cannot help millions of other weak people who cannot get the chance to access your services. It is important to realize that such leaders with similar ideas can quickly develop if they are subjected to a debate that broadens their understanding of the topic of the weak and the incapable people in society.



Reynolds, D. H., McCauley, C. D., & Tsacoumis, S. (2018). A critical evaluation of the state of assessment and development for senior leaders. Industrial and Organizational Psychology11(4), 630-652.