Question #1 (5 points):
You are interviewing with In the Hat Design to be its new Digital Marketing Manager. The company is concerned about the copyright protection of the digital content that it creates.
Your response will determine whether you get the job or not.
Question #2 (5 points):
Mel is having a bad day. He got fired from his job and decides to go to Hamilton Bookstore to buy a job search book.
On the public sidewalk, he sees a garbage can and defiantly strips off his tie and throws it in the garbage can, vowing never to wear a tie again.
While stripping off his tie, Mel unknowingly causes his wallet to fall out of his pocket as he was walking into the store. Assume that the wallet fell on the public sidewalk.
In the store, while looking through the Career section, Mel takes off his suit jacket and lays it on a nearby chair.
Not finding anything he wants to buy, Mel leaves the store and goes home in a stupor to contemplate his future.
As Mel is leaving, Howie walks in. He notices the tie in the garbage can, grabs it, and puts it on. He then notices the wallet. He grabs that as well. While walking to the Home Improvement section, he passes the Career section. Noticing Mel’s jacket on the chair, he tries it on and realizes it was a perfect fit.
Question #3 (5 points):
Do you need an Original High Quality Academic Custom Essay?