In recent years, the issue of resistance has been rampant as people try to voice their needs on oppression. This has led to violence among many people who feel that their rights and freedom are violated in one reason or another(Agnew & Harman 2019).The latest news is about the resistance that some group wedge against Donald Trump administration. This comes as a result of hate crimes and how the government treats racism and homophobia among citizens. In this regard, the government generalizes the deviant group even if only two people from a given group is involved in the resistance. This is common in the black community where also if one group is engaged in the deviant act, the government label the whole group as perverted people hence resulting in edgework as people try to justify themselves. Edgework is common in a situation when people who are involved in the resistance try to oppose the act of labeling by the government.
The recent news is about the case of Mr. Smollett who claim that the police is assaulting him because of him being black. He is trying to resist the instances of racism that is taking place in the United States(Sopan & Jack, 2019). Even though the Chicago police said that he forged a false police report threatening his life, he intended to resist racial oppression as he is upset by the salary offered to him. This resistance makes the government label the black community as a deviant group who makes the government spend resources in investigating crimes that could have been used somewhere else.However, this does not stop black people from fighting for their rights.
Various societies differ in their reaction to deviance as they try to seek justice. The black community has reacted by forming black lives matter movement which fights for their rights to ensure that the oppression stops. The government, on the other hand, respond by charging the individual involved in deviance behavior in the court of law. All this reaction are done to ensure that the resistance against the government stops(Brent, 2014). For instance, in the case of Mr. Smollett, the government reacted by charging him in the court of law to ensure that justice is found. Even though this is good at stopping resistance, it results in chaos and sometimes leads to crimes.However, the government should ensure that the issues of oppression that leads to chaos are dealt with in the right way to ensure that justice is found.
Most of the resistance that occurs in the state today results in violence which endangers the lives of the people around. The abuse which occurs can either be physical or non-physical (Brent, 2014). In either way, there is a high possibility of them resulting in psychological harm, deprivation, and mal-development among other effects. These are so dangerous to the societal peace which impacts hatred among the communities and people. To some extent, resistance led to the crime which can make the government spend many resources to counter.
The administration of Donald Trump has faced a lot of resistance that comes from the people who feels that he is not acting in accordance with the constitution. This resistance arises due to the difference in the views that range from political to economic perspectives(Brent, 2014). Due to the imposition of trade tariffs, the business persons have resisted the government as they feel that the benefits that they derive from the international trade are affected. They involved in acts like a demonstration to express their opinions. Moreover, in political perspectives, the opposition leaders resist the government projects which they feel does not meet the expectation of the people.
Conclusively, labeling, resistance, and edgework exist in the society of today. Most government experience resistance from the citizens who feel that their rights and freedom are violated. One of the cases surrounds the administration of Donald Trump, who gets resistance from both politician and business persons. The imposition of trade tariffs has made various business persons to resist the government they feel that the government does not support them. Similarly, black people also oppose the government because they think that they are oppressed in terms of allocation of resources.Recently, a case involves Mr. Smollett, a black person, who is protesting the low salary that is offered to him because he is black. Such like cases result in fighting which erodes the peace of the society. Resistance always occurs into violence or crime as people to try to express themselves. The government should fight these cases and ensure that all citizens get their rights.
Agnew, C. R., & Harman, J. J. (Eds.). (2019). Power in Close Relationships. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Sopan, D, & Jack, H. (February 2019). Jussie Smollett Rehearsed His Own Assault, Prosecutors Say. New York Times. Retrieved from
Brent, J. J. (2014). Parkour through Labeling, Resistance, and Edgework. Understanding Deviance: Connecting Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. Retrieved from,+Resistance+and+Edgework&source=bl&ots=HHM747eRMq&sig=ACfU3U100tR7KRDJX0GHpTFzWVwazOU7Xg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigi_Lpk83gAhUDXKwKHRYvALsQ6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=twopage&q=Labeling%2C%20Resistance%20and%20Edgework&f=true
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