In his speech “Keeping the promise to all America’s Children” at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Arne Duncan,the U.S Secretary of education promised promotion of inclusive education. He targeted the individuals in that convention and who were potential voters on this issue. It was the high time the subject of inclusive education was looked into, more deeply.
The U.S Department of education guaranteed all children of a bright and efficient future in disregard to their skin color, ethnicity, sex or incapacity. By highlighting the disability and the inability issue in America, Duncan presents his excellent and instructive opinion on the subject of under-educated impaired national in America. He, however, assured the audience that he had partnered with President Obama to solve that issue. Amazingly, after some diligent work by individuals and associations, about six million understudies with disabilities have enrolled in schools and were doing well.
There are many benefits of incorporating non-incapacitated and debilitated understudies in the same schools. Here Duncan shares the story of Kaitlyn, a disabled student, who became closest companions with another student with a down disorder since they had been matched together in a P.E class. This incredible story highlights his contention that non-impaired and incapacitated understudies should go to a similar school.
Correct arrangements are needed to set up motivating forces that could make this whole project a success. In this line, Duncan hints that individuals from the White House are working hard to attain that goal. He estimates that a budget of $4 billion can help in the accomplishment of this program.
Despite an excellent presentation, Duncan’s blueprint of ideas contains some defects. However, Arne Duncan effectively does his speech by validating his insights with both feeling and logic. By turning to this way of delivery, his audience can take each aspect of the raised issue productively.
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