Juno: Teenage pregnancy

Juno is a film directed by Jason Reitman and focuses on the life of a young teenage girl who is keen to get out and have some experience of her own. As a youthful girl, Ellen Page (Juno) decides that she has to make an exploration of what life has to offer and of course it does not end well. As she delves into the life of sex and drags her friend along, she eventually gets pregnant. The pregnancy gets her unawares, and just like any teenage of her age, she decides to get an abortion. However, the idea is thrown out of the window after a visit to a clinic. She realizes that it’s traumatizing and she decides to keep the pregnancy. The rest of the story reflect much on the wrong chooses to and its consequences. The two themes that seem to come out are the issue of teenage pregnancy and decision making.

One of the issues that seem to dominate this film is the issue of teenage pregnancy. For a young girl of 16 years, sex sounds just like any joke that one might seek to explore. However, while exploring this most of the young people never realize the end. The irrationality of being young often blinds one only to think that it is about the fun that comes along (Martínez et al., 2017). Without the realization that things people do might lead to at times negative consequences, it often seems like young people do not think of such things. As a young gill Juno seem oblivious of these issues.

At the beginning of the film, the director seems to bring out the naïve nature of Juno. At the age of 16, she falls in love with Paulie Blecker. The two decide to experiment with things, and she eventually gets pregnant. Just after realizing that she is pregnant the next thing is to think of a way out (Reitman, 2007). The scene focuses on young people and how ready they are to find quick fixes especially when they are in such situations. Besides, there is an explicit portrayal of how these young people often engage in actions without a thought of it. The issue of teenage pregnancy arises from the decisions that most of the young people make, and things participate in.

Another theme that the author seems to focus on is the issue of how the female gender often ends up taking the burden of the decisions and mistakes that involved two people. In the cases of pregnancy and even the idea of abortion, it is the lady that would have to bear the brand of the decision (Martínez et al., 2017). It is not common for the blame to go to the boy since in most cases they would not be involved. While the girl has to try and sort the issue out, the boy might continue with their lives uninterrupted.

`           The scene of Judo trying to give up the child for adaption clear reflects on the subject of the burden that girls take on the decisions that they make. The mistake of getting pregnancy involved the two; however, the moment she gets pregnant the problem only becomes hers (Reitman, 2007). The boy does not feature in any cases in the issue. She has to pair up with her friend to try and find a place to carry out the abortion and later the adoption. It is the girls that bare the brand to the mistakes of teenagehood.

It is clear that the film reflects much on the burdens that the girls in the society carry when they should not be the only ones to bear the brand of their mistakes. In this case, the teenage issue pregnancy is only blamed on the girl tend the boy is never involved. There is the need to relook at ensuring that both the girl and bare can bare the brand of the mistakes that they make.




Martínez, M. R., Numa, L. T., Bernal, D. R., de Galvis, Y. T., & Sierra, G. (2017). Sexual abuse and neglect situations as risk factors for adolescent pregnancy. Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatria (English ed.)46(2), 74-81.

Reitman, J. (2007). Juno (2007) Full MOvie [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFwacexMYoI